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Thread: 2011 Passat WAGON MY 012, 3.5c, 19k, 125Tdi Highline, Mocca Brown $38+

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    2011 Passat WAGON MY 012, 3.5c, 19k, 125Tdi Highline, Mocca Brown $38+

    2011 (Nov Rego) MY 12 125 TDi Blue Motion Highline WAGON, Mocca. Black leather inside. Unmarked.

    19k, 9 months old. As new outside except for 1 very small PDR. Tints, 3m Protective Shield front rear and side + mirrors + Nano Paint Protection from Reflect Effect (Dave - paid $2.3k) Rear cargo liner, shade blinds, auto tail gate. Amazing fuel - I average 5.1 km/l or 1300 km per tank.

    1 small PDR (paint-less dent repair) necessary under 3M Protective shield on bonnet (got courtesy of the M4 the day after it was treated with the 3M Protective Shield).

    Been offered 38 k on a trade for a Polo 77tsi (moving to the inner city and need smaller car).

    Offer me more than that and you have a deal. Apparently rare as hens teeth second hand. Buggered if I know. But 38 on a trade seems to indicate it.

    Location - Lower Blue Mountains NSW.

    I'm trading in a week so if anyone is keen drop me a PM or moby 0431 682 681.


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Sunshine coast
    Do you have any pics to post?
    132TSI Tiguan Allspace

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Sure. If you are keen drop me a PM with an email address and I'll take some and email.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Well that was fascinating - I come along to trade it in as agreed and all of a sudden my car is worth 3k less - trade in went down to 35k on the day. Dirty bastards.

    Suffice to say whatever I buy I won't be doing through that dealer.

    So back for sale if anyone wants it - make me a sensible offer and we can do business. I've listed it with Drive for 39k and don't want less than 37 for it. Its a bloody great car. Moving to the city (an apartment with secure parking) so need something smaller. Will trade for eg Polo (77tsi preferred) + cash.


    ps whoever it was that PMed me saying 35k was about right for a trade was dead on.
    Last edited by tricka; 05-08-2012 at 03:50 PM. Reason: back for sale.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Bump - obvious reasons.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by tricka View Post
    ps whoever it was that PMed me saying 35k was about right for a trade was dead on.
    That would be me. Some dealers are friggin terrible and gives the good ones a bad name. Unfortunately someones word and a hand shake just doesnt cut it anymore, which is terrible.
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