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Thread: How to get rid of brown tyre sidewalls

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    How to get rid of brown tyre sidewalls

    If you take pride in how your car is presented, you’ll understand how brown sidewalls can spoil the look of an otherwise stunning car. Despite what you might have originally thought, browning of sidewalls has less to do with them getting dirty and more to do with something known as tyre ‘blooming’.

    Tyre blooming occurs due to anti-ozonants in the tyre that act as protective additives. Anti-ozonants prevents rubber from drying out, becoming brittle, oxidizing or cracking, making them a vital ingredient in tyre manufacturing. Without them, tyres wouldn’t last anywhere near as long as we need them to.

    Unfortunately, brown sidewalls are the side effect of these anti-ozonants and this effect is generally unavoidable. This is because once the anti-ozonants work their way to the outer surface of the tyre, they oxidise due to exposure to air and moisture, which in turn leaves the brown residue that we’re all too used to seeing.

    The good news is that removing tyre blooming is extremely easy using Autoglym Bodywork Wash & Wax. Begin by hosing away any loose dirt and grim from the tyres, then simply dilute the Bodywork Wash shampoo (1 capful into 5 litres of water) then use a sponge or wheel brush to agitate the tire wall before hosing away the cleaning solution to reveal a clean tire before sealing with Autoglym Instant Tyre Dressing.

    It’s important to remember that the brown residue will return over time, but regular cleaning of your tyres is easy and can help a great deal in preventing or minimising unsightly brown sidewalls.

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    Last edited by Autoglym; 13-12-2016 at 08:47 PM.

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