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Thread: Will it just Buff away?

  1. #1
    reborn Guest

    Will it just Buff away?

    My Mk1's clear coat from a late 99 respray is flaking off in some places. How do I go about making it look better? Can I hit it with 1200 and then buff or do I just buff with a compund?

    I am pretty new to body work so any advice is appreciated...

    While I am here I also have some limited rust coming through around the windscreen... I plan to wire brush it, convert it then hit it with a spray tin of silver paint to match the colour of the car... Ok this is a short term fix but should slow it down yeah?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Berowra (Sydney)

    I'm not a panelbeater but if my memory serves me correctly the clear is there to protect the metalic paint when you buff the car. If the clear coat wasn't there you risk changing the appearance of the metalic particles in the base coat and this will could result in light and dark patches in the duco.

    A panelbeater should be able to help with info on the best way to repair.


  3. #3
    Giles Guest
    Okay mate well sounds like you clear is de-laminating,which is a bummer
    who ever did the spray hasnt preped it rite or chopped and changed with acrylic and 2k products(highly doubt it tho),it wont buff up ,the clear coat is what has the gloss in affect if its flaking off then you got a problem,id say your defientlty going to have to get it re-sprayed matey,also be carefull with the wire brush you mite leave a few scratches on un-affected paint which will suck,you better of brushing some silver on mate,just a suggestion

  4. #4
    Giles Guest

    mate do you have pics i can see?


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