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Thread: What is the best swirl mark remover by hand?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    What is the best swirl mark remover by hand?

    Swirls have started to appear in my deep black pearl paint.
    I'm looking for swirl mark remover by hand.
    Any suggestions? Care to share your experience

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Gosford Central Coast NSW
    My Skoda is black pearl aswell.. also had a lot of swirl marks when I bought it (at 90,000km).

    I attempted some hand removal but in the end it felt like a losing battle.

    I bought Farecla cut polish and Farecla gloss for dark colours, and then Autoglym wax/polish for the finisher and a $60 random orbital polisher with a wool pad for cutting and a cotton pad for applying the gloss and polish. The polishing products cost me $115.. so add in the machine and thats $175.

    With all that and a solid 8 hours work I was able to dramatically improve the overall appearance of the car - removed swirl marks, scratches etc. I did some 2000 grit sanding on heavier scratches before the first cutting polish.

    Having attepmted to polish by hand in the past I was greatly impressed at the huge improvement the machine polish gave - and considering the all up cost I think its a good option.

    I have done 2 cars now, and I still have what I would think is about 10 all over polishes for both cars worth of product left... so I would say this would be a good option if you plan on keeping the car or have more than one car.
    Last edited by gldgti; 03-10-2012 at 10:37 AM.
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  3. #3
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    thanks- what about iron specks on paint and windows?? Whats the best way to remove them?
    bloody dealership didnt do a proper pre-delivery to remove the iron specks and now i can see some rusting.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by cru22z View Post
    thanks- what about iron specks on paint and windows?? Whats the best way to remove them?
    bloody dealership didnt do a proper pre-delivery to remove the iron specks and now i can see some rusting.
    Iron-X is possibly the product your after?
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  5. #5
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    Seems to be quite common, dealerships not delivering up to par!!
    Got my black GTI delivered full of swirls!! Wasn't happy, but didn't trust them to fix it.
    So I went and saw the guys at CCP (Car care products).
    After a bit of discussion and some GREAT advice I ended up getting a RO polisher with some polishes, a clay bar, and a decent sealer.
    While I wasn't able to remove 100% of the swirls I did get the majority of them out. But the gloss of the paint was like a mirror!!!
    It was my first real attempt though and feel a lot more confident next time I do it. Since then I have done our other car, and a few friends asked asked how did I get the cars so Glossy? Needles to say they now have nice glossy cars too. I am getting more confident, AND I have a couple more friends lining up for their cars to get done. I am gonna have to draw the line somewhere with the love jobs though!!!
    Anyway I would suggest Seeing the guys at CCP is well worth. Really nice bunch of guys, with endless knowledge!!!
    Hope this helps!! By the way I am really loving this new found hobby as well!! (although my wallet isn't)

  6. #6
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    For iron decon Car Care Products / Wolf's Chemicals Decon Gel will do the trick. Really good for an occasional deep clean of wheels too.

    As for swirl removal, tonyf has got in one, a chat to CCP is the way to go.
    08 Golf GTI - SOLD


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