Product Recommendations
Menzerna Polish kit
Heavy Duty - Menzerna Powergloss (High Cut, very low gloss)
Medium duty – Menzerna P203S (medium to high cut, medium gloss. Follow with PO85RD)
Light duty/High gloss – Menzerna 106FF (same gloss as 85RD but more cut, use on its own)
High Gloss/ Very light duty – Menzerna PO85RD (same gloss as 106FF but very little cut, use after P203S)
Dodo Supernatural Paste Wax
Dodo Colour Charged Soft wax
(note: the above link if for Orange crush. Look at the other soft wax's to pick the best one for your paint type)
Dodo Colour Charged Hard Wax
Dodo Lime Prime
Dodo Lime Prime Lite