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Thread: Waterless Car Wash

  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by phaeton View Post
    Thanks Ray for researching that post
    BTW has anyone else heard that hose wash uses less water than buckets ?
    Yes, I have. You must realize that some of these restrictions, such as not using a hose to wash your car, has nothing to do with saving water.

    Householders use of water amounts to a drop in the ocean (pardon the pun). It is Industry that use the water, unregulated.

    Householders are forced to such extremes (as using buckets for car washing & watering trees & shrubs) which actually uses MORE water. The objective, from my point of view, is to make it so inconvenient so that you won't bother.

    I paid $200 for a Karcher to use from a bucket, but it is not a great success.



  2. #22
    Join Date
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    Alfred Cove, WA
    Meh 2500L tank just for cars plus a karcher. Life is good.

    Edit: Just on industry usage; you would be amazed at how much water they use, but in Melbourne industry uses less than residential and over the past 5 years have saved more water than the residential population. Eg the place where I work dropped from 200ML/yr to around 70ML/yr, so they more than halved it. Not many households can claim that.
    Last edited by Ben_GTI; 07-11-2007 at 09:19 PM.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Ben_GTI View Post
    Meh 2500L tank just for cars plus a karcher. Life is good.
    I'm coming to your house to wash my car!
    Quote Originally Posted by Whubbsie View Post
    There is nothing better than a polo badge, thats why you will notice Veyron drivers with polo gti badges.... they know where the true sizzles at!

  4. #24
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    I now use a bucket and a karcher system which I bought, neighbours look at me funny but they can't do anything its legal

    With 1 1/2 buckets I can clean the whole car with a rinse, getting the soap off and the tyre wells. They are really economical and heaps good, just a little loud
    I'm soo euro even my missus is shaved...

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mk3vr6 View Post
    I now use a bucket and a karcher system which I bought, neighbours look at me funny but they can't do anything its legal

    With 1 1/2 buckets I can clean the whole car with a rinse, getting the soap off and the tyre wells. They are really economical and heaps good, just a little loud
    What model Karcher do you have?

    I bought a K2.87, and I could urinate harder on the car than the Karcher. I tried the Karcher directions (using 20 meters of hose coiled in the bucket (yeah right), and I bought a Meguiars bucket and attached a small hose), still p**s weak!

    Only works properly from the tap.


  6. #26
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    i bought the cheapest karcher model and it works fine from a bucket. Cost me $88 on special from kmart! and the water comes for free off my garage roof

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Green T4 View Post
    What model Karcher do you have?

    I bought a K2.87, and I could urinate harder on the car than the Karcher. I tried the Karcher directions (using 20 meters of hose coiled in the bucket (yeah right), and I bought a Meguiars bucket and attached a small hose), still p**s weak!

    Only works properly from the tap.

    Maris I'm not sure but I'll take a photo for you on the weekend of the setup, currently its a 10L chemical buckets with a hole down the bottom with the hose attached to it, which goes to the karcher. I have noticed at first it is piss weak, however after a minute or so the pressure builds up and is pretty strong. I'm pretty sure I have that one but will check!
    I'm soo euro even my missus is shaved...

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    Seven Hills NSW

    I used a water-less wash a a few years back on an old pulsar I had at the time. Maybe it was a co-incidence but a week or so later the paint on the roof just started peeling off. It was obviously a crap paint job but the waterless wash must have seeped underneath the paint and lifted it. Can't tell you the brand because I hoiked it.
    Steve's black vr6

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