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Thread: wash wax and polish opinions

  1. #1
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    wash wax and polish opinions

    what do people use to wash wax and polish their cars with just wondering what products people used
    and which people stay away from

  2. #2
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    was using Meguiars Soft Wash.
    currently trying Armourall WashnWax which isn't quite as good but is 75% cheaper. I'll probably relegate it to use in the pressure washer after I buy some:
    Duragloss Car Wash Concentrate which many of my mates have been recomending to me.

    Polish? It's a new car - don't need it. If it does, I usually clay the car then wax.

    Wax: Have been using Megs Cleaner Wax, which is pretty good for what it is. It's full of optical fillers so it hides minor marks, etc. Probably good for about 4-6 weeks before it wear out.
    Currently using Poorboys Nattys Blue. Goes on very easily & comes off easy unless you let it set too long. Gives a more impressive result than the Cleaner Wax & lasts longer but it needs more surface prep.

    Have a search through the detailing section as there are a few excellant detailing/washing guides with product recomendations in here.
    Last edited by brad; 09-08-2009 at 10:06 AM.
    carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
    I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by brad View Post
    was using Meguiars Soft Wash.
    currently trying Armourall WashnWax which isn't quite as good but is 75% cheaper. I'll probably relegate it to use in the pressure washer after I buy some:
    Duragloss Car Wash Concentrate which many of my mates have been recomending to me.

    Polish? It's a new car - don't need it. If it does, I usually clay the car then wax.

    Have a search through the detailing section as there are a few excellant detailing/washing guides with product recomendations in here.
    Just a word on the polish...if it's a new car, then on the contrary, it will most likely need a polish more than it will need a wax! They come out of the showroom pretty horrible so a one stage machine polish usually spruces them up nicely. Of course, then you would top it off with a nice wax or sealant to protect the paintwork.

    For me, I've been using Autoglym body conditioner but to be honest it doesn't tickle my fancy. I think I'll be upgrading to the new dodo body wash that has just come out (there's a thread that ''carcareproducts'' put up in the detailing section about it) once mine finishes.

    For wax, I'm using Dodo Juice 'Hard Candy' wax. It's about $80 for the little tub, but I've waxed about 5 whole cars with mine and it's not even 10% used! It will last me two to three years. It's definitely worth getting a hard wax as opposed to a soft wax, but make sure you know how to apply it for best results. DMS Dan, or carcareproducts can both help you on those tips

    For polish, Dan has just done my car with a product by Menzerna. It's best used by machine and they come in different grades, some being more abraisive/less glossy than others, for different results.
    Mrk Detailing, premium automotive detailing. Paint correction/protection specialist. PM me

  4. #4
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    Zaino for all three. I stay away from anything Armorall or Meguiars (sry brad)

    I get it all from and in Brisbane / Gold Coast area use Jade at Dulvari Prestige to detail it
    Last edited by quozl; 09-08-2009 at 12:41 PM.
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  5. #5
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    Over the years I bought many different waxes and polishes. I found the best wax system is Mothers 3 stage wax system (at least for me). It goes easy on and easy off and last 1 year or longer. Just yesterday I waxed my van and finished bottle of McGuires TechWax - not as good as Mothers but I didn't have to do it 3 times.
    I usually wax my cars twice a year or at least always before summer. You should always wash the paint with the same brand of wash as is the wax you used, and my friend who had a car detailing franchise for while also suggest use only ½ of the shampoo they recommend.

  6. #6
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    Im with mickey some of the detailing threads i have seen on a few other forums with new cars will make reconsider the idea of letting caryards "detail" the car before they get.

    As for products I use p21s conditioner as the wash, but firstly use dp foam wash with a foam gun.

    As for wax well im more a sealant man and use duragloss 105 then atm using p21s wax but tbh most of the waxes out there (and i mean in the non-megs etc) range are pretty good.
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  7. #7
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    How come everyones so anti-Meguirars? Ive found their stuff very good. I have tried a few others, including Autoglym, but I found their polish too soft for my liking, didnt seem to do a whole lot, and seemed to wash off too easily. Ive used Mothers as well and like it - found it very similar to Meguiars. I used to use Turtle Wax's wash and for what you pay - think its about $10 for a litre its the best value you'll get. Using Autoglym wash at the moment and it brings the paint up good, but the sudsiness (dont think thats even a word) doesnt seem to last very long. I reckon Meguiars soft wash is a bit better.
    Stay clear of Armorall. Ive heard a few stories, esp about their wash and wax. Apparently they have some sort of additives in the wash that make the paint look very good after you wash it, but it actually kills the paint and fades it in the long run.

  8. #8
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    Meguiars isnt BAD per se, but its a far cry from the best.

    Since buying my vr6, i've been notoriously lazy in the wax & polish department. My old mazda 626 used to get the full meguiars nxt treatment yet since upgrading I've been pretty neglectful
    1996 Golf VR6 Colour Concept Green

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrk_Mickey View Post
    Just a word on the polish...if it's a new car, then on the contrary, it will most likely need a polish more than it will need a wax! They come out of the showroom pretty horrible
    Mine was perfect on delivery - most unusual I know but I couldn't believe the shine Wakelings achieved.

    I stay away from anything Armorall or Meguiars (sry brad)
    No worries. The Armorall Blue Wash has proven itself as being a good value for money - I've had a few anal-retentive detailers recommend it but there are plenty that are better if you want to spend more dollars.

    Megs - it doesn't do anything fantastic but as most people couldn't be bothered doing mail order from the specialists, Megs is reasonably accessible for most normal people.

    Get them hooked & then start introducing them to the better stuff
    carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
    I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums

  10. #10
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    I've gone through a few products over the last year.

    • Started with Meguiars Soft Wash Gel - went through two of the 473mL bottles. Was pretty happy with this - safe on waxes/sealants, good foaming and lubricity, seemed to clean well.
    • Next tried the Blue ArmourAll car wash (not the green wash&wax one), on recommendation that for the price, it was tough to beat. Seemed to wash OK, foamed OK, but I wasn't impressed with the lubricity. I've still got 3/4 of a bottle (500mL) left, may use this for foaming with a pressure cleaner later, but won't wash with it as a primary wash any more.
    • Have just started a bottle of Dodo Juice Supernatural Car Shampoo. Doesn't foam much, but excellent lubricity, and seems to clean well. Expensive ($40 for a bottle), but you only use a tiny amount, so I'll see how long it lasts (it better last ages!).

    • Zaino Z2. When I had my car detailed by DMS Dan, he used this on it. It seemed good, though I never layered it up the way it was recommended, and I probably didn't get as good protection out of it as I could have.
    • Optimum Opti-Seal. Put this on for the first time today. Goes on nice and easily (spray it on lightly, work it into the paint, no buffing afterwards required). I put two coats on, will be interesting to see how well water beads/sheets off it from here (the recommendation is another layer once the beading/sheeting starts to be reduced). I also put a coat of this on my wheels (at DMS Dan's recommendation, as it apparently outlasts wheel waxes by quite a way because it's a synthetic) to keep them cleaner - 15-spoke wheels aren't much fun to clean!

    I haven't bothered with canuba-based waxes, as my car is white and I won't get the depth of shine that darker cars get. I also prefer the "harder" aspect of synthetic products and their superior longevity between applications.
    Last edited by Manaz; 09-08-2009 at 08:57 PM.
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