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Thread: Tree Sap/Bonnet Marks?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Users Country Flag

    Tree Sap/Bonnet Marks?

    Hi All,

    Need opinions on getting these marks out of the bonnet… (From previous owner)

    Tried medium clay bar and a light cutting compound (Kitten) without success. It seems like its really engrained into the paint?
    What options do I have to get this out

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Users Country Flag
    How does it feel after clay bar? If its smooth then its in the paint and there is not much you can do besides a respray.
    Tree sap is really bad for your paint and if its not removed straight away you find some tree saps will eat into your paint pretty quick.
    My dad lives out in the bush and I hate parking my car in his driveway for this reason, along with the rain of branches when its windy!
    You may need a professional cutting compound with a machine. Barring that you're going to need to talk to a paintshop.

    Sent from my GT-I9100
    MY11 CW Golf RIntake, Tune, DP, DV+Superpro arms and ALKCustom 4" tipsTWM Short Shifter

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by a239947 View Post
    How does it feel after clay bar? If its smooth then its in the paint and there is not much you can do besides a respray.
    Tree sap is really bad for your paint and if its not removed straight away you find some tree saps will eat into your paint pretty quick.
    My dad lives out in the bush and I hate parking my car in his driveway for this reason, along with the rain of branches when its windy!
    You may need a professional cutting compound with a machine. Barring that you're going to need to talk to a paintshop.

    Sent from my GT-I9100
    I am doubtful you'll need to go to a paintshop.

    You're best to go maybe speak to the sponsors car care products who probably could advise. But as mentioned, clay first with a decent clay (none of this meguiars, mothers rubbish) and see what it will remove.

    You can try 1Z einszetts tree sap remover as well, failing these do not remove what is there you will need to get it corrected whether you do it yourself or have someone complete the work for you is up to you.
    What’s behind you doesn’t matter..


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