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Thread: Swirl Marks - Tornado Red

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Adelaide, SA

    Swirl Marks - Tornado Red

    Hi All,
    Just wondering if anyone has any particular hints/tips for removing swirl marks in Tornado Red paintwork. As a colour it seems to show up swirl marks more clearly than some others.

    The car is almost 4 years old and the paint has generally been taken care of - waxed about monthly, polished 2-3 times a year. But I think it's had a few suspect washes at the dealer. I've also had it washed a few times at a full hand carwash up the road from my place. They do pre-delivery washes for a european dealer here in Adelaide so I thought they'd be ok. But not so sure...

    Anyway, any hints/product recommendations/detailing business recommendations appreciated.
    5-Door l Tornado Red l DSG l Leather l Xenons l MFD2 l TCP T.B.E l DNA stage 1

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne

    There could possibly be a few factors involved in this and the marks in your car.

    How you wash your car? If you are using a sponge and chamois that would be the first issue.

    Secondly, after having a TR GTI myself the red is quite soft. The only solution unfortunately is to machine the entire car properly followed by a sealant or a wax (the choice is yours on what you prefer)

    You could purchase a Das6/Das6 Pro RO DA Machine which could get the results you want if you chose to do it yourself, which mind you is quite easy if you are keen, have the time and the eye for the detail. Check here for the das6 kits
    Car Care Products Australia - 1300 006 007 -
    Sydney - Brisbane - Melbourne

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Adelaide, SA
    Thread Starter

    Thanks for that.

    I wash with the 2 bucket system and a meguires mit. I dry with an Amourall chamois. Does that lead to swirl marks? If so, FAR OUT!!! I would say I'm fairly fussy How do you recommend doing it differently?

    Thanks also for the heads up on repairs. I don't have heaps of time - might look at getting a detailer over to do it, using your recommendations of machining and resealing.
    5-Door l Tornado Red l DSG l Leather l Xenons l MFD2 l TCP T.B.E l DNA stage 1


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