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Thread: steam cleaning seats ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    brisbane queensland
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    steam cleaning seats ?

    hey everyone !

    im doing a whole overhaul of the interior of my little golf and have seen some pretty decent stains on the back seats (bought it second hand) and was woundering whats the best way to do a real deep job at cleaning the seats to get all the grossness out of the 10 year old seats, iv seen afew videos on using a thing called "rug doctor 5000", they seem to be a easy option as there at pretty much all woolies across oz, so my question is... have any of you guys and gals used the rug doc on your seats ?? whats a good technique ? does it leave it all wet for days ?? does it really work on car seats ??

    thanks for the help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Northern Suburbs
    Haven't used the Rug Doctor, have used a simple steam clear with dramatic results.......Try Godfreys for a cheap one.
    Last edited by barrenjoey owl; 02-04-2011 at 12:39 PM. Reason: spelling

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne
    Quote Originally Posted by haydos View Post
    hey everyone !

    im doing a whole overhaul of the interior of my little golf and have seen some pretty decent stains on the back seats (bought it second hand) and was woundering whats the best way to do a real deep job at cleaning the seats to get all the grossness out of the 10 year old seats, iv seen afew videos on using a thing called "rug doctor 5000", they seem to be a easy option as there at pretty much all woolies across oz, so my question is... have any of you guys and gals used the rug doc on your seats ?? whats a good technique ? does it leave it all wet for days ?? does it really work on car seats ??

    thanks for the help
    I would personally recommend going to a detailer and getting the seats shampoo'd properly as the cost factor is a better option and making sure its done correctly as if you do not know what you are doing there is a possibility you may be able to destroy your trims.
    Car Care Products Australia - 1300 006 007 -
    Sydney - Brisbane - Melbourne

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Hobart, TAS
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    Cleaning seats and in fact all of your interior is dead easy with the right tools.

    Follow this simple guide and your interior will sparkle and shine with minimal effort:

    Guide - how to clean car interior



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