Firstly, I would like to apologise to any people with young children, or those just generally offend by profanity, my reaction upon seeing that some absolute punter had scratched/dented the side of my car was reminiscent of Homer's reaction to Mr Burns forgetting his name (again)
Anyway, as I was getting into my car on Friday morning I discovered that someone had ran into it, just behind the drivers door on the right side.

There is a slight depression in panel, only really noticeable in the right light/right angle, and not much I can easily do about I imagine unless I can get access to the panel from behind and give it a bit of a love tap.
Anyway, I'm more interested in getting the paint looking good again and making sure the scratches/etc are treated properly.
I'm not very knowledgeable in the world of car detailing etc. I wash and wax my car regularly etc, but I'm not really sure what to do to deal with these. I'm about to give the car another wash now. I've got some scratch-X and I was going to have a go at these with it but I'm not sure if that is the best idea etc etc.
So, detailing guru's let me know what I should do. Oh and while you're there any recommendations for stone chips on the bonnet?