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Thread: Recommendation for Car Detailing / Paint Protection (not X-Pack)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Brisbane, Queensland

    Recommendation for Car Detailing / Paint Protection (not X-Pack)

    I am in Brisbane and need to send my black GTi for a detail. I took delivery of it in September 2011, and it has accumulated a few swirl marks that I would like to have removed.

    I purchased the x-pack paint “protection” kit with the car, which was nothing but a $1,400 gift to my dealer. Aside from the fact that it has never actually done what it was supposed to do, I had to have it reapplied - twice. In addition to this, 17 months after taking delivery of my car, I still have white powder in the door and boot jams from the x-pack application.

    I have read many reviews about ceramic paint protection and opti coat and am totally lost. Has anyone had experience with this?

    If anyone can recommend a detailer in Brisbane that will do a good job for me I would really appreciate it…

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    I've just applied Opticoat 2.0 (DIY version) to three cars and a shower screen... Okay I got a little carried away.

    People on the detailing forums swear by it and so far I'm very impressed but it's very early days. It sounds like you're more interested in the professional version which has a harder coating. It's only available through professional detailers and will set you back around $500 plus any paint correction required prior. Don't be surprised if you end up spending over a grand. If you've got the time and patience then perhaps you might consider buying a RO polisher, some foam pads, polish and you'll come out about even. Otherwise suggest you start here:
    Approved Opti-Coat Dealers

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Brisbane, Queensland
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    Thank you so much for that! I'll give the guys in Qld a call tomorrow.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I highly recommend you try the CQuartz Protection. The Opticoat isn't as resistant as I envisaged from reading revies. In my own opinion, I think Opticoat is more than adequate for a car being used intermittently. CQuartz Protection will repell water and contaminants, and it will maintain a clear, reflective, hard-as-nails shine. It can last up to 2 years once applied correctly using the right method and patience that resembles a far better finish and ease of washing than Opticoat from what I have seen thus far.

    Car Pro Professional Car Coatings

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Brisbane, Queensland
    Thread Starter

    Thanks all - I went for the Opticoat (booked it in before your post robbie) and I'm pretty happy so far. The car came up shinier than when I picked it up at the dealer.

    It's pouring rain in Brisbane at the moment so it will be interesting to see how it beads and dries.

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