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Thread: Recommend Headlight Restoration from scratches, crazing & UV yellowing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Brisbane, Queensland

    Recommend Headlight Restoration from scratches, crazing & UV yellowing

    Hi. Headlights on the Mk5 Golf have become a scratched, a bit foggy & yellow, although they could be a lot worse, they are not 100% crystal clear. I have seen the restoration kits & creams in supercheap and wonder what anyone's recent experience is. I searched the forums and nothing recent pops up. It seems no-one sells 3000grit wet & dry sandpaper, the highest i have is 2000 grit and 0000 steel wool (finer than 2000 grit w&d).

    Can anyone that has used headlight restorer kits or creams etc let me know how it went, and also what has worked best to prevent the UV yellowing being that the UV coating has been removed.


  2. #2
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    Buy yourself the 3M kit off Ebay. It's about $30. Comes with discs, cloths, and polishes. It's pretty much the only one that actually works long-term.

    I've tried the Turtle Wax one from Supercheap, and it lasts about a month before you need to re-apply. Even then, it's a marginal improvement.

  3. #3
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    From what little reviews i've read the turtlewax appears to have performed the least effectively with others as well. I've only looked at the brands sold at Supercheap which also include; Rain-X, Meguiars Plastix (+ several kits), Mothers Nu-Lens. I will look into the 3M as well and see if any reviews.

  4. #4
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    I don't believe Supercheap sells the actual 3M kit that involves using a drill with the supplied pads. But that's the kit to get. The wipe on, wipe off polishes only do so much.

  5. #5
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    You're righ, supercheao don't sell the 3m. of all steps, it seems the most important is the final one - the UV sealant to stop it happening again.

  6. #6
    I had to do this on my old Civic few weeks back for roadworthy! Spoke to the guys at Repco they recommended toothpaste. I was sceptical until I tried it. AMAZING results!!.

    Buy one that white and pasty baking soda helps. Apply it on thick and buff the headlights. Dip your rag in warm water and keep rubbing as needed. They will come up brand new.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Braidwood, rural NSW
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    Rub with Brasso to clean/clear the headlights then spray immediately with Windex to neutralise the Brasso and act as a UV sealant. Works like magic and you can always use the Brasso for something else so it's not waisted.

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