quality paint, warm the can first (stick can in bucket of warm water).
Need a bit of advice. I am in the process of re-furbing a set of wheels and i have painted them with 3 coats of black enamel paint. It looks good so far but I want the paint to look a little 'deeper' so i was gonna do a coupe of coats of clear.
I've never used clear coat before so are there any does & dont's or pitfalls i need to look out for.I'm no pro & i'll be using rattle cans. Good idea?
quality paint, warm the can first (stick can in bucket of warm water).
get a pro to do it in 2 pack the can stuff isnt as durable
i done my front bumper in acrylic and then toped it with pressure pack clear coat
it looked really good but didnt last very long
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I find clear coat is a bit tricky to use
if you lay it on too quick, or it's too humid, it can go milky.
if you don't prep properly, it can craze
might be worth getting a spray shop to quote, if you want a bit more protection and depth.
have you thought of powder coating? Its relatively cheap. Most guys i speak to end up paying about $50 a rim at most.