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Thread: Question: Painting the front side and rear kits

  1. #1

    Question: Painting the front side and rear kits

    Hey guys and girls.

    this might be the wrong section, if so i apologise and hopefully it could get moved to the right section.

    Anyway as the topic suggests, i'm curious if anyone has actually done this (to their stock kit the plastic with the texture).

    I want to paint the kit so the front lip is white, with the black mid section, side skirts white (tough i'm not too fussed as i hear taking them out and putting them back is a pain), and painting the rear white (but leaving the section above exhaust black).

    I have looked into just buying the kits and taking it to a body shop to have it painted and possibly fitted, but after reading this
    How To Paint Your Lowers at Home The Correct Way - VW GTI Forum / VW Rabbit Forum / VW R32 Forum / VW Golf Forum -

    I might just try to do a home job, if anyone has done this could they help me out by answering some questions for me.

    I for one have no professional abilities in painting, but I will have a few other bumpers to practise on (obviously not golf ones but from older cars).

    1) What type of Primer do I need? Enamel or the other type (if there is one)
    2) What type of paint do i need, enamel or acyrlic? Candy White colour, i got the paint code (from the link above)
    3) What type of clearcoat should i put on and what's a way to get the clear coat to be shiny similar to the factory paint finish (though it'll be difficult)
    4) When i start painting and if dust touches the paint, do i simply wet sand and respray over it, or is there another method (not i have no actual workshop, but do have a garage but dust is airborne)
    and finally, i hear a lot of stories of white paint (be it a home job or from professionals) that end up getting a yellow-y colour, i've read using a type of cleaner can remove it (deoxydize it) or something on those lines. or is there a particular clear coat i should be using?

    Thanks in advanced.

    (I read through the link multiple times but it doesn't list the different types of paint/primer/clearcoat, just the brand and if its adhesion etc)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
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    im doing this to my tdi in the next few weeks. im prepping everything, dads 2pacing it. im lucky the front skirt and side skirts are pre primed. as for the black plastics im using flexi primer, 2 coats, regular primer, 2 coats, sand back with 600 grit wet and dry and ill let dad do 2 coats of body iso free 2pac, followed with clear. i am also using the textured mouldings and having the rear bar done as well.
    Scirocco R, APR 2+,VWR BBK,HP, QUAIFE, FORGE, VWR 18x9.

  3. #3
    How did it turn out after being done ?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Users Country Flag

    looks really good! pics in photo gallery section
    Scirocco R, APR 2+,VWR BBK,HP, QUAIFE, FORGE, VWR 18x9.


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