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Thread: Perth detailing- first time!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    WA, Perth

    Perth detailing- first time!

    Hi Perth guys

    just wanted to tell you that I'd be getting my car washed and detailed for the first time ever by Glenn on Friday! It's just a basic wash and wax but for those in Perth who are interested in detailing it will be good to see what kind of work he does

    Got his name from another forum, followed some links on this one and then got there.. I'm quite excited!
    MY12 Golf 118 TSI, manual.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Perth, WA
    Glenn... who?
    1996 Golf VR6 Colour Concept Green

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Perth, Australia
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    how much does he charge for what he will be doing to your car?
    1991 BMW 318is RED E30

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
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    Does he have any pictures of previous work?
    RIP Ruby Thunder (1994 VR6), now driving the GF's MK IV 1.6

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    WA, Perth
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    yup got it from this thread here in vwwatercooled.

    then i went to the link in that one which is

    and there you go, glenn's work.
    des from autofx was quite a bit dearer.

    glenn quoted me 50 for a basic wash, wax, interior vacuum and clean up. if he's good i'll go for a ultimate detail, i do want the wheels done but cash is the issue at the moment!!
    MY12 Golf 118 TSI, manual.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Castle Hill (Sydney)
    I speak to Glenn almost daily, he knows his stuff and uses the same products and very similar process to myself.

    Very interested to see the pics when its done.


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    oh really, cool. with everyone's initial response i was a bit worried about taking a shot with him. but good to know you know him

    will post pictures when it's done.. hopefully he can get rid of my crappy wax on the plastic sides...
    MY12 Golf 118 TSI, manual.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Perth, WA
    Quote Originally Posted by en13 View Post
    yup got it from this thread here in vwwatercooled.

    then i went to the link in that one which is

    and there you go, glenn's work.
    des from autofx was quite a bit dearer.

    glenn quoted me 50 for a basic wash, wax, interior vacuum and clean up. if he's good i'll go for a ultimate detail, i do want the wheels done but cash is the issue at the moment!!
    $50 bucks for all that?

    Geeze, bargain!! Either he's really (really) fast, or he's selling his services way to cheaply. I know it takes me half a day to do all that, but I'm extremely particular.

  9. #9
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    yup, he was done in about 1.5 hours, which is apparently not uncommon. autofx does that in 1 hour and they're top of the range. i personally take about 3.5 hours but that's cos i'm small hahaha and i do the karate kid style wax- wax on, wax off... not sure what he did but it looked and felt good!

    the body looks great, the windows are sparkly. my only complaint is that the roof wasn't waxed, which i didn't know wouldn't be, and the front bit (where the car plates are) aren't either. i'm quite pedantic as well so i checked the insides of the door trim to see if they were wiped down and they weren't. under the mirror wasn't wiped dry either, which left water marks as i zoomed off, but nothing that was too difficult to clean.
    the vacuum was for floor mats, not seats. i didn't realize that.
    he washed the wheels too, which is great
    and blackened the bumper and sides too.. nice touch.

    i'm quite impressed on the whole, i think the price is good but will bring up these things to him should i get him again.
    i think autofx will probably be more detailed in their clean but they charge accordingly whereas glenn charges per job, not per hour..
    i would pay extra for seat vacuum, whole car wax but not too much extra as i would expect these to be part of the package... not sure what detailers think..

    Photos are in picasa, i don't know how to upload them here.. sorry
    mods, if there's a better way to upload pictures i'll be more than happy to learn!
    Last edited by en13; 06-02-2009 at 03:35 PM.
    MY12 Golf 118 TSI, manual.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Perth, WA

    Quote Originally Posted by en13 View Post
    yup, he was done in about 1.5 hours, which is apparently not uncommon. autofx does that in 1 hour and they're top of the range. i personally take about 3.5 hours but that's cos i'm small hahaha and i do the karate kid style wax- wax on, wax off... not sure what he did but it looked and felt good!

    the body looks great, the windows are sparkly. my only complaint is that the roof wasn't waxed, which i didn't know wouldn't be, and the front bit (where the car plates are) aren't either. i'm quite pedantic as well so i checked the insides of the door trim to see if they were wiped down and they weren't. under the mirror wasn't wiped dry either, which left water marks as i zoomed off, but nothing that was too difficult to clean.
    the vacuum was for floor mats, not seats. i didn't realize that.
    he washed the wheels too, which is great
    and blackened the bumper and sides too.. nice touch.

    i'm quite impressed on the whole, i think the price is good but will bring up these things to him should i get him again.
    i think autofx will probably be more detailed in their clean but they charge accordingly whereas glenn charges per job, not per hour..
    i would pay extra for seat vacuum, whole car wax but not too much extra as i would expect these to be part of the package... not sure what detailers think..

    Photos are in picasa, i don't know how to upload them here.. sorry
    mods, if there's a better way to upload pictures i'll be more than happy to learn!

    Not waxing the roof is a bit of a rip. The bonnet and roof are arguably the most important parts of the car to wax.

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