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View Poll Results: Do it myself in acrylic or get someone to do it in 2 pack?

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  • Do it myself in acrylic?

    6 50.00%
  • Get someone to do it in 2 pack?

    6 50.00%
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Thread: To paint it myself or to get it painted??

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Eastern Suburbs Melbourne

    woody actually did alot of spraying himself. (2 silver base coats from memory)

    500 is mighty cheap for someone else to do it. the cost of all the 2 pak materials would be close to that! He also wont stand by the paint job if it has problems later (cause you did the prep, so pass blame there) Mickey was in the same situation, he paid fair bit more, and it wasn't perfect first time out either.

    hiring a booth would be nice, and then painting yourself. it's much easier than in a small poorly light etc garage. it's nice and clean in the booth, which will help the finish.

    Acrylic will be fine as long as you do it right! pleny of old cars still have OG paint were done acrylic/enamel, so you don't need 2K to get a long lasting finish.

    If you wanted a show car, yes get it done in 2K. but if you practice lots and take your time (and do lots of buffing) you'll be able to get acrylic home job just as good as an el cheapo 2K, IMO!

    you've put the hard work in, you may as well finish it yourself. you dont get your license back till next year, so you have plenty of time to leave the buffing for later months.

    just my 2 bob.

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  2. #12
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    Melbourne VIC
    Wait til it warms up.

    I did a heap of work myslef but I was patient and waited til I had time and people to help me.

    If the prep is mint go for the $500 it mite save you heaps of hassle and cost but then again it mite bite u in the bum.

    BTW my mate is booked out for at least 2 months.

  3. #13
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    I've already put tarps and lights up under the thats a plus!

    I'm leaning towards doing myself because it will work out cheaper and i can't drive my car there


  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarred View Post
    woody actually did alot of spraying himself. (2 silver base coats from memory)

    500 is mighty cheap for someone else to do it. the cost of all the 2 pak materials would be close to that! He also wont stand by the paint job if it has problems later (cause you did the prep, so pass blame there) Mickey was in the same situation, he paid fair bit more, and it wasn't perfect first time out either.

    hiring a booth would be nice, and then painting yourself. it's much easier than in a small poorly light etc garage. it's nice and clean in the booth, which will help the finish.

    Acrylic will be fine as long as you do it right! pleny of old cars still have OG paint were done acrylic/enamel, so you don't need 2K to get a long lasting finish.

    If you wanted a show car, yes get it done in 2K. but if you practice lots and take your time (and do lots of buffing) you'll be able to get acrylic home job just as good as an el cheapo 2K, IMO!

    you've put the hard work in, you may as well finish it yourself. you dont get your license back till next year, so you have plenty of time to leave the buffing for later months.

    just my 2 bob.
    True true...

    At least if i do it myself i can paint all the panels off the car and do it gradually because its not getting driven and its not in sunlight to fade.

    I would start buffing about 2 months down the track so it can harden up!

    Quote Originally Posted by Water Boy View Post
    Wait til it warms up.

    I did a heap of work myslef but I was patient and waited til I had time and people to help me.

    If the prep is mint go for the $500 it mite save you heaps of hassle and cost but then again it mite bite u in the bum.

    BTW my mate is booked out for at least 2 months.
    Can i book it in with him? did you ask him a rough cost?

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by thestu View Post
    Can i book it in with him? did you ask him a rough cost?
    Ummmmmmm I just asked if he was busy and he said flat out booked out for 2 months.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Water Boy View Post
    Ummmmmmm I just asked if he was busy and he said flat out booked out for 2 months.

    go find your phone... i'm calling you

  7. #17
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    what are you painting the golf or the bug?

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by cgti73 View Post
    what are you painting the golf or the bug?
    He is painting his VR6. Im pretty sure the bug is next...

  9. #19
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    personally id get it done in 2 pack its heaps more durable.......

    then again is it possible to paint it acrylic and put 2 pack clear over it???

  10. #20
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    do it yourself bro!
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