I've been given a gift of this P21s power gel P21S PowerGel removes persistant contaminants with ease - FREE P&P @ Performance Motorcare Products Ltd
tried it on the week end, it works really well I love it !
but I can't find it available in here, I haven't used other p21s wheel cleaning product, just wonder how do they compare.
I'm sure CCP people will jump in with their opinion.
Parts for sale http://www.vwwatercooled.com.au/foru...ff-102387.html
P21 Performance Wheel Cleaning Gel
P21S Wheel Cleaner Standard
These are the 2 available here.
However you have quite a few options. You could use Duragloss All Wheel Cleaner which is just as good, and comes in 1 Gallon (3.78l) for $65 which is much more cost effective for you to use long term. Other alternates would be Autobrite Wheel Cleaning Gel which you can also Dilute down a bit, Autoglym's Custom Wheel Cleaner and Wolf's Decon Gel. All these are pH-Neutral and Acid-Free so they will not damage/mark/stain the rims.
Hope that helps! (somewhat!)
Car Care Products Australia
www.carcareproducts.com.au - 1300 006 007 - info@carcareproducts.com.au
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