Having a bit of a dilemma with a brand new, MK7.5 pure white Golf Alltrack and looking for opinions.
This was the delivery condition of the paintwork photographed in full sun...

After some back and forth with the dealer (who is located approx. 6hrs from home) they agreed to cover costs for a two stage paint correction that I organised through an experienced local detailer. The detailer had the vehicle for a day and a half and has managed to remove the lighter swirl marks but says that the deeper defects would involve removing more clear coat than we should be removing from a new vehicle.
Photos below are typical examples of the heavier scratches. These are evident across the roof, the bonnet and about half way down the quarter panels, doors and front guards. Being white the paint colour does a fairly good job of masking the defects, it'd look horrific on any other colour.

This photo of the door pillar trims shows just how badly they've marred the car pre-delivery, our almost 5 year old MK7 doesn't even look this bad...
We've been updating the dealer and apparently they now have to progress our issue to their area manager. We're not quite sure how we should be proceeding, to say we're fairly disappointed would be an understatement.
