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Thread: Nanolex Paint Protection & Dodo Juice EOFYS Mini Sale!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne

    Cool Nanolex Paint Protection & Dodo Juice EOFYS Mini Sale!

    To add onto the recent Queens Birthday Long Weekend Sale we have also decided to offer the below discount/sales exclusively for the Forum Members.

    ■ With every Purchase of Dodo Juice Supernatural Hybrid - You will receive 1x Free Mint Ultra Microfibre Cloth

    ■ With every Purchase of Dodo Juice Supernatural Hybrid Half Cut or Supernatural Hybrid One Shine Kit - You will receive 1x Free Dodo Juice Born to Be Mild Wash Shampoo (250ml)

    Dodo Juice Supernatural Hybrid being semi synthetic can last up to 6 months, so for all you wax lovers out there this is definitely a good 'Winter' option to give that extended protection during this cold period for your paintwork!

    Nanolex Alloy/Painted Rim Sealant Kit is currently on sale for $54.95 for the first time.

    Nanolex Rim Sealant will work on any polished, matte, custom 2 or 3 piece wheel, forged and painted wheel. Life expectancy up to 8-10 months due to the high heat and contaminants that affect your wheels. Comparing to a normal wax which is approx under 4 weeks! 100% Genuine German Nanotechnology!

    Nanolex Alloy/Paint Protection Kits are now $89.95 for the first time.

    Nanolex Paint Protection is 100% Genuine German Nanotechnology that will protect your paint for 12 months! A fantastic way to protect and add a very wet sharp look to your cars paintwork also.

    Please remember to use your forum discount code to receive the freebies so we know where you are from!

    All these offers are valid until Midnight, 30th of June EST.
    Car Care Products Australia - 1300 006 007 -
    Sydney - Brisbane - Melbourne

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Users Country Flag
    What's the Forum discount code?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne
    Thread Starter
    Quote Originally Posted by cru22z View Post
    What's the Forum discount code?
    vwwaterc i think, you'd have to check
    Car Care Products Australia - 1300 006 007 -
    Sydney - Brisbane - Melbourne

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Northern Tasmania

    I did my wheels with the Nanolex. Wash, de-tar speck, clay bar (particularly the inside - heaps of muck in there, even after washing and they appear clean), paint chip repair, polish - then Nanolex. Very hard to tell if you've used enough when you're putting it on. Went through a cotton pad so it wouldn't hurt to put a few more in the kit. The cleaner seems to be just isopropanol and you go through it, so it'd be wise to get a separate bottle of that as well (just the generic 1 litre isopropanol).

    Pity they don't sell just the sealants by themselves and in bigger bottles as I don't think it would do the amount of wheels the site says.

    I haven't had mine on long enough to tell how durable or long lasting it is. Puts a nice shine on though. Even did a wheel on a 1998 car and it came up good.
    2008 Skoda Octavia Elegance TDI 4x4 wagon
    Bluefin 132Kw/385Nm, Racechips Response Control, Haldex Performance controller, H&R anti roll bars, Koni FSD shocks, SuperPro control arms & ball joints, subframe & gearshift mods, Full Dynamat interior, Polk Audio sound, Columbus, Bluetooth, MDI, parking sensors, camera. BBS SR 18x8" w/ 225/40xR18. 3M Crystalline tint.


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