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Thread: Is my detailing technique/products ok?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Is my detailing technique/products ok?

    Hey all,

    I've been using this stuff for a while, it's been giving good results, but just want to make sure it's all ok, and I'm not killing my paint or digging in bad scratches, etc. This whole process takes 40mins-1hr tops.

    Here is how I use the stuff:

    1. Rinse car with hose, spray off top level grime.
    2. Fill 2 buckets, one with the Mothers car wash, other with water.
    3. Get the blue mitt, use straight arm movements over paint, top to bottom, wash in plain water before re-soaping.
    4. Rinse car with hose when it's all covered.
    5. Get the brush and do under arches.
    6. Get the white mitt and do wheels with rest of soapy water or wheel cleaner if they're bad.
    7. Rinse wheels and do a quick wipe of all door jams with the white mitt to get off dirt.
    8. Use the chamois to get water off. Throw flat over the roof/bonnet and drag pulling corners (Mighty car mods method). Then just wipe other areas.
    9. Rainex glass, wipe with newspaper.
    10. Brasso exhaust, polish with terry towel.
    11. Vacuum interior.
    12. Foam seats with Kitten, then scrape and wipe off.
    13. Use Kitten on dash/plastics, wipe off. Leather cleaner used on the side leather bits of interior, but have run out now.

    When I bought the car ~2 months ago, I did a cut/polish/wax with the Mothers and Meguires stuff. Should I was more often? I have a massive tin of it...

    Thoughts? I also can't get to the inside of the wheels, so if there's a special brush for that let me know.

    Last edited by AusScare; 26-10-2009 at 04:38 PM.


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