Hi guys,
My plaid cloth car seats are fading colour, it's turning into a lightish grey colour. What can I do to return it to its original dark colour?
You will probably find that the seats are dirty and this is making the colour of the tartan/plaid pattern less obvious. I had this with my Mk6 GTI when i bought it and once i gave the seats a good clean they looked fantastic again. Get yourself a bucket of warm water with some clothes washing liquid (dont use the powder) mixed in, and use a microfibre cloth to give the seats a nice clean. Ring the cloth out pretty well before you rub the seats so you don't wet them too much. Then park the car in your driveway with the windows down for a few hours to allow the seats to dry in the sun. Stubborn stains may need a second going over but you will notice the seats will be much cleaner.