well painter ive seen the guys jobs and cars they do.
like said my car is basically a shell.
im going to go and sand down everything and prepare it.
might even sandblast it down to pure metal. get even cheaper...... maby
my dad got big sandblasting booth thing at work.
take car there n do it
but doing it by hand isnt as hard, have got experience with polishing and spraying furniture (old trade). would be same for the car i guess. BUT 1. its going to be black!!!!! every little mistake will show incl dents, bubbles and runs
2. i got no clue bout paints!!!!
3. got no boothand id rather not rent one because i dont want to do it myself to begin with.
this is gonna be a nice car......... i hope.
the one guy that quoted me the $2odd k, showed me some of the nice projects hed done incl a rx7, integra and mercs n various other stuff. even a oldskool superbug. done in full black metallic.
and the cars looked perfect, better than out of factory. but i guess everything is better than factory. they use machines for gods sake!!!!