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Thread: How much paint?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Eastern Suburbs Melbourne

    How much paint?

    So it looks like I'm going to have to repaint paint my mk 1!

    Due to the amount of repairs, (dings and rust) all over the body and the general crappiness of the paint, it is going to be SO difficult to match in the new paint (over the repairs) with the 30 year old original paint.

    It would be easier to just spray over the whole car so I get one colour everywhere. But I have a couple questions.

    Firstly, I'm going to keep it the same colour, (so I dont have to spray all the cracks, crevices and engine bay etc) so techinically I don't have to remove the windows, but I would very much like to. So does anyone know how hard it is to remove the front, rear and side windows from a mk 1 3 dr??? preferably without smashing the glass!

    Secondly, I am under the impression that I should pop (after sanding the paint back a bit, not to bare metal tho) a layer or two of high fill primer on. This will serve two purposes: I can smooth out the smaller bumps and dings (high fill primer is great for this), and then I will have a consistant base colour, so the top coat is all the one tone and not affected by the different colours underneath (make sense?)
    Other people are saying that since it's the same colour, I don't need to spray a primer layer. Is this true?

    And finally, how much paint will I need. I will probably only do 2 top coats (in wattle yellow of corse ) so how many litres of paint will I need???

    Any help is appreciated!

    p.s. would it be worth it to spray a clear coat on as well since I've got the whole car masked and everything??

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  2. #2
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    I'm not paint expert so can't give too much comments on paint part of your question.

    For removing windows, see this

    I just did it a month ago, I found the side windows are very easy to remove, but front and rear screen are real pain and very scary, I could hear the glass almost close to break... eventually I cut the seal, so now I need new seal

  3. #3
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    oh right, thanks for that. I figured the front and back would be more difficult, I dont want to have to go through the pain of having to find a new rubbers!

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  4. #4
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    Rubbers are a pain removal I seem to be getting quite good at. Only broke a windshield and a rear window. Only because the glass was glued into the seal which was glued to the car, with black tar or something only found in a grandfather shed.

    As for paint do you plan to use 2pac or acrylic?
    Acrylic is more forgiving and safer to spray especially in the back yard if that’s what you’re thinking?

    Also its a must to clear it, you will need around 6 coats of clear so you can rub it smooth and then buff it giving the shine. It will look glossy but the surface will have fine orange peal effect making it flat in colour.

    Quantity you don’t need a lot of colour 2 liters should be heaps for what you have described. Probably 4ltrs of clear as you don’t want to rub through. Lots of thinners I always buy 20ltr tins can never have enough works out cheaper. You thin the paint down to around 3 to 1 ratio. Primer is always handy too. 2 pac is bit different and you don’t thin it as much cant remember the ratio.

    That’s broad hope it helps a bit.

  5. #5
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    nah thats pretty good thanks alex.

    I will be painting acrylic, as that's what the standard colour is, and 2Pac is alot more toxic and harder to paint.

    I wont be painting it the backyard, cause I'm not a bogan; but I'll be doing it in my garage and I might even pop up a wooden frame and completely cover in plastic to given me the best most "sterile"/cleanest conditions.

    I would like to take out my windscreen, cause there is a bit of rust, and I'll need a new one for roadworthy anyways. (most likely) I just don't want to see the old paint under the new on around the seals, that was my main concern.

    Im not too familiar with clear coats and stuff, what do I need to buff I back with? paper or a compound?

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  6. #6
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    yeh acrylic and back shed work ill post a pic of the spray booth i constructed few years back worked well.

    As rubbers there are a few tricks you can do so to get right under but if theres some rust might aswell pop it out.

    in the past ive gone back over the clear with 1500 then 2000 then cutting compound and polish after that comes up like glass bit of trick to it tho.

    Ill take some pics over the weekend of the process or before and after.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    When I have painted mk1's in the past I used to buy 2L Filler primer, 2L paint + associated thinners and hardeners, (2pac paint) , this was enough to paint the car, inside all the doors/bonnet/boot etc.

    Hope that helps
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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    About 5 rattle cans of matt green primer

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Water Boy View Post
    About 5 rattle cans of matt green primer
    hasha I've thought about it.. but it's just tooo good for that!!

    Thats for the input guys, really appreciated!

    And pics would be good too thanks alex

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