Originally Posted by Preen59 Did you buy one for your boyfriend? Yeah go find one for me and then i will LOL
Originally Posted by MissVuks how was your latte..... latteboy? was it a skim decaf mochachino latte? Did you wash your car for tomoz night? No not yet thinking of actually washing it myself, I just realised I don't know why I said Latte I hate them I like a hot chocolate
I'm soo euro even my missus is shaved...
spoilers is opposite canterbury hospital.. 4Billy owns it
Originally Posted by AGO41T spoilers is opposite canterbury hospital.. 4Billy owns it I know he owns it but I want to know prices and are they any good?
Originally Posted by DubSteve I know he owns it but I want to know prices and are they any good? last time it was about $25 full wash, vacuum and wheels cleaned.. they do a great job. mercs, bmw always there
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