to roll your guards using a proper guard roller will save you from cracking your paint, warping your guards and doing any unnecessary damage to your paint and guards in general.
you should have a heat gun to heat your paint up when you do this, use a proper g-roller when you do and heat the paint up then start rolling. then adjust and do the same steps again, and continue there until you have the rolled effect you want.
IF you have done it correctly you could almost pinch it properly and have not cracked any paint what so ever. If you haven't you will find flaking paint and cracks (is advised you sand it off and repaint it with same colour touchup paint by paintbrush or black paint if not visible on outter body)
(i've done enough, and yes have experience with it.... trust me! do it right!)
most wheel places will do it for $30-80ea guard these days, make sure they use a heat gun and not rushed but! 
hope that sheds more light, and top effort who made their own!
What’s behind you doesn’t matter..