Door sill question
Hello , l am looking at getting some door sills but l am not sure if they will allow water and dirt to get underneath them and cause rust. does anyone have them installed and what problems are ther if any and which ones should l buy.
Thanks all
I suppose it depends which model. Anything newer will take a few years to show up problems.
I would be more concerned about if they scratch easy and then having to try and remove them and renew again.
But this will depend on how long you plan to keep the car.
Back in 1991 when I bought my new ute I put clear contact on the sills
and just recently took it off as it was starting to crack and the sill is still like new.
I plan to shortly put some clear film on my Jetta sills as I plan to keep the car.
Sorry l should have given more details about my car , it is a vw golf 2006 TDi
sportline and l have had a look at the original VW door sills but they just use double sided tape to stick the sills on with. l wounder how well double sided tape works and if it allows water to be traped in between the original sill and the stuck on sill.l do intend to keep my car for a long time and l would like to look after it the best l can. l really love my car so any advise is really helpful
Thanks again.
Double sided tape is fine. Any aftermarket sills you buy are all doubleside tape.
You wont have a problem with rust unless the water can get beneath the paint
Thank you all for your advise l will be looking at getting the sills in the near future. l am looking at a set on ebay which claim to be original VW sills , they want $319.95 + postage and l have telephoned around the vw dealers and they all want about $450.00 for the set. l dont know much about the aftermarket ones but are they as good ??
Thank you
Last edited by rcocu; 02-10-2009 at 10:55 PM.
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