For other interior trim, the same applies, but hot-glue will play a more important role than the spray adhesive.
Also, you may want to buy some vinyl/plastic dye/paint for any bits that may be too hard to retrim:
Step 1:
Remove trim; make sure you label where the trim goes to avoid any confusion later. Remove any separate parts.
Sand and/or thoroughly wash parts to allow for maximum adhesion.
Step 2:
Cut out a decent sized section of your new fabric. Better to be safe than sorry.
Step 3:
Spray adhesive on trim.
Step 4:
Lay the fabric over the trim. It's important to get the flat bits down first, THEN focus on the curvy sections. Don't worry if the edges don't stick.
Step 5:
Cut tabs like in previous post. Cutting tabs will also allow the fabric to stretch a little more - however, be careful in how much you cut.
Step 6:
Apply hot-glue like in previous post. Make sure you hold down on the fabric until the glue cools and hardens. If you don't, any stress on the fabric will cause it to ripple and make the end product less pimp.
You can either stick the tabs on to the back of the trim like with the headliner, but with many trims, this might not be an option (due to fitment problems etc). If this is the case, what I usually do is hot-glue the fabric right onto the edge, then trim it off. This is where a really sharp pair of scissors will come in handy.
Also, you will no doubt come into some tricky interior bits where the curvature is so steep that it's impossible to stretch over. There are many things you can do to combat this.
- Use folds to cover over the curved sections.
- Cut deeper tabs and cover the uncovered sections of the pillar with a separate fabric.
At the time I could only think up of these two solutions. If anyone as any good ideas, feel free to share!
Step 7:
Cut through any holes in a similar fashion to that outlined in the previous post.
Step 8:
Paint/dye any separate sections. Follow appropriate prep procedures.
Cut off any fabric threads that stick out and brush off any bits and pieces stuck on. Assemble back together.