I've been thinking for a while about darkening my badges, the rest of the car is so dark, the bright chrome badges almost seem out of place...
So, with extremely poor photoshop skills, I've mocked up this...
Thoughts people?
Looks better imho too.
Black chromed, nice.
Why not just pop it out and hit it with a can of black spray paint?
I did mine with plasti-dip so it can be reversed.
Thought about black, but not my cup of tea, a bit too boy racer.. plus, just black would look weird, like something was missing.
So, dark chrome it is... just gotta figure out how the hell to do it in real life lol
I've been looking for something like this also. I've done a few searches for "Black Chrome" but nmothing as of yet. Be very keen to hear if or when anyone has solved this desire.
United Grey R: All the accessories (leather, not Recaro's though), S2P paddles, Kuftech DVD in motion. Carbon grill, mirrors and diffuser awaiting to be fitted.
I have a possible way of doing it, and when I finish the fitment of my RVC, I'll have a spare rear badge to try it out on too... so I'll give it a shot and post results.
looks good!
mods are endless once started
Interested to see results!
I wonder if a spray on tint, like used for lenses could work?