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Thread: Damage rear panel: Advice please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Melbourne, Victoria
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    Damage rear panel: Advice please

    Hi Guys,

    I had my car parked in my street over the weekend, where a road work sign was lodged. Obviously with the high winds, and the sign not being weighted down, the sign has taken off, and caused some damage to the back of my car. To top that off, I then had someone reverse into the front bumper leaving a nice deep scartch and seems to have popped the front bumper skirt out of my place. And yes, no details from the offending driver were left?

    Anyone got any advice/idea as to the cost involved in repairing, and any recommendations as to where I should take it here in Melbourne, preferably St.Kilda, Sth.Melbourne area? Thanks in advance.

    Last edited by Tom Ford; 21-02-2011 at 08:08 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
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    I would be contacting Vic Roads and see if they will pay for the repair on the hatch.

    It is their sign that they failed to secure it properly.

    The photo of the sign under the car will help.
    08 Golf GTI - SOLD

  3. #3
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    Thanks Wolfgang. I've been in touch with those responsible for the sign, and have passed their details on to the insurance company. With the photo's and video footage I'm sure they'll have no choice but to accept liability.

    Do you happen to know any good bodyworks places I can take the car too? While the insurance company has offered a repairer within their network, I have the choice of repairer and would like to take it to someone based off good dealings and recommendations of forum members.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Ford View Post
    I've been in touch with those responsible for the sign, and have passed their details on to the insurance company. With the photo's and video footage I'm sure they'll have no choice but to accept liability.

    Do you happen to know any good bodyworks places I can take the car too?
    Good to hear they are accepting liability.

    As for getting it fixed, I can't help you out as I'm in Sydney.
    08 Golf GTI - SOLD

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Ok, I just wanted to follow up and give a well deserved shout out to L.P BodyWorks in Box Hill who completed the repair work. Their service is absolutely faultless, and first class. If anyone has or needs repairs done and located in Melbourne, these are the guys you want to see.


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