need to rinse it,and rinse it and rinse it! then rinse it again!! untill all the preservatives have left it.warm soapy water wash,then rinse again thoroughly!
try that and see if its much better!
Washed my jetta for the first time today.
Have always used a Japanese synthetic chamois. a hand me down
from my parents when they purchased there 1969 HG premier.
Thought I would purchase the Genuine leather thing for the new car,
Now please don't crucify me but I went to Big W, and bought the dearest
one I could find $30.00, Genuine cod oil tanned the box Say's.
The result is worse than the synthetic one. I found it kept rolling up and
leaving streaks and spots and had to go over the paint work more times
than I would the synthetic one.
I recall years ago using a friends one and it felt like holding slime in your
hands whereas this one does not.
Question is do I need to give it a few more work outs to maybe loosen
up the thing or is it cheap.
Thanks neil.
need to rinse it,and rinse it and rinse it! then rinse it again!! untill all the preservatives have left it.warm soapy water wash,then rinse again thoroughly!
try that and see if its much better!
I don't use a chamois any more - i use a microfibre (waffle weave) drying towel and pat dry it. They're more absorbant and less chance of swirls (my car's black and very unforgiving) - 'bout the same cost as what you paid too.
i dont even use the chamois on the panels,I use the autoglym silicon sqeegee(how the hell to you spell that??lol)
Soaked it in Cussins imperial leather soap for hours and rinsed but not much
happening with results.
Found the Maguires website which have two microfibre cloths.
It makes sense patting the car dry to avoid scratching.
Thanks for the feedback guy's.
Waffle weave FTW.
I have my RED , 3DR MKV GTI with leather in manual and I love it!
Been doing some research on these waffle weave microfibre cloths you
have recommended and there seems to be heaps of them.
Is there any particular brand you recommend.
thanks again for your help.
I'm very lazy and just get stuff delivered to my door.
You won't have any problems with waxit, but you will find heaps of stuff to spend money on if you browse for too long.