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Thread: Bonnet Paint Blemish

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    clear coat failure does happen even on today's cars. I would claim warranty of poor manufacturing

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by audiohippo View Post
    clear coat failure does happen even on today's cars. I would claim warranty of poor manufacturing
    That's what I'm thinking.

    There is another stone chip at the front or lip of the bonnet, and its gone down to the primer and about 1cm around it the clear coat has come off too..

    I don't understand, every single stone chip I have on this car goes all the way through to the primer...

  3. #13
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    So over a month had past and I still haven't heard back from VW. I had to chase them up 3 times before I got a call back saying from photo's the guy took at the dealer in their 'professional' opinion it was bird\bat poop.

    I asked for it to be look at again because I think that is not acceptable for them to judge by the 'Photos' that where taken from an iPhone...

    After all this time I never looked on Google images to check what bird\bat poop actually does to paint. From the images I am seeing the damage is nothing like it! With ALL the one's I saw had a white outlining or white bits or looked like crows feet.

    My Damage...
    Bonnet Paint Blemish-wp_20150104_002-jpg
    Bonnet Paint Blemish-wp_20150104_003-jpg

    Other Bird\Bat poop damage....
    Bonnet Paint Blemish-bird_etch_final-jpg
    Bonnet Paint Blemish-m105removebirddropping002c-jpg
    Bonnet Paint Blemish-img_0668_1-jpg
    Bonnet Paint Blemish-droppings01-jpg
    Bonnet Paint Blemish-dscf6132-jpg
    Last edited by scotty86; 17-02-2015 at 08:59 AM.

  4. #14
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    Ok.... Now I'm starting to get really mad! :<

    So I took the car to a panel beater here in Canberra last week and they are meant to be the best in Canberra, and they seemed to think it was Bird Poop aswell... I thought I would let it go and just get it resprayed by myself until today.... I washed the car (hand wash) and I found more.... No where near the size of 'bird poop' and its just not likely that it was bird droppings to where its happening on the bonnet and the size.. If you were to tell me a flock of birds came and pooped on it to make this happen, I'm going to laugh at you because your an idiot... :\

    Some photos...

    Last edited by scotty86; 21-03-2015 at 01:51 PM.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2015
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    so how much does a job like this cost? does the whole panel need to be done again as i've got a similar thing going on with my front bar. clear coming off in patches...

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