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Thread: Best Polishes for Candy White

  1. #1
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    Question Best Polishes for Candy White

    A detailing noob needs help on the best products to use on Candy White paint.

    I was going to get Dan from DMS to work his magic but his new workshop could not be anymore over the other side of Sydney from me.

    So, instead of being lazy I will do it myself.

    The paint looks nice and shiny from a distance but upclose swirls are easily visable in direct sunlight and there is some very light marking from bird poo on the bonnet (really need the right angle and light to see it).

    I have at my disposal:
    - Mint RO polisher
    - Edge pads Green, Blue, Yellow, White
    - Poorboys SSR 1,2,2.5
    - Menzerna 85RD, 106FF, 203S, APO60

    I know the basic process, it is more what products to use on VW's harder style of paint (used to Subaru paint). Any tips on how to get the best finish with the above products and any time saving tricks will be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by Wolfgang; 04-09-2010 at 07:24 PM.
    08 Golf GTI - SOLD

  2. #2
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    Did Dan stop doing mobile service?
    Nothing to see here...

  3. #3
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    Yeah, got an email from him earlier in the week after requesting a quote, he informed me that he is no longer doing mobile serveice as he is now working out of a workshop in Castle Hill.
    Good to see that he has made the move up into a workshop, hope it all goes well for him.
    08 Golf GTI - SOLD

  4. #4
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    I was just watching the youtube videos about polishing that are stickied in this section. Now I am no expert when it comes to polishing but from what I saw the fellow was polishing a 3 series beemer, I would "assume" once again that they use a similar clearcoat to the dubs? If so perhaps the autoglym range would do the trick?

    And I also assume that those polishes you find in autobarn that are apparently specifically for a white vehicle are of no use since your polishing clear coat?
    2007 Golf GT Sport TDi sold!
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krautwagener View Post
    I have at my disposal:
    - Mint RO polisher
    - Edge pads Green, Blue, Yellow, White
    - Poorboys SSR 1,2,2.5
    - Menzerna 85RD, 106FF, 203S, APO60
    You know the basic process so get to it!

    Since the car isn't that old, I reckon you'd just need to give it a hit with SSR1 with a green, 203s with a blue then just seal it. Then again, it depends what life the car has been through in the last 2 years. I'd never just STICK to one method though - every car is different and only you can see what needs doing after each step.

    Just give it a shot! Don't need to be too careful as long as you're NOT using SSR3 and a rotary and wool pad

  6. #6
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    Thanks for the suggestion Bboy_Sparx.

    Car is not that old but it has had the special dealer wash using a brick.

    I just wanted to know what was best as the products are not mine and do not want to waste them if they won't work effectively.

    I do know that some polishes work better on some paints than others.

    As I said. I am used to Subaru paint wich is so soft it scratches when you look at it and is a nightmare to polish.
    Last edited by Wolfgang; 05-09-2010 at 09:34 AM.
    08 Golf GTI - SOLD

  7. #7
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    First off I would mask off a section (50x50cm) to try on the 'worst' area - usually the bonnet. First option I would go the Green Edge with Menzerna 203s, wipe off and compare against the un-treated side, if this takes out all or enough of the swirls then all good, go for the rest of the paintwork, section by section. If not try and change up to the Yellow pad for extra bite and repeat the process.

    Then take the Blue Edge and the 106FF and go back over the paint - this will take out any holograms you may put in and develop gloss.

    When running the polisher run it at 5-6 and use nice slow pace to cover the section.

    hope this helps,
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  8. #8
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    Thanks for that Mike.

    I was planning on doing a test area. Great minds think alike.

    What sealant or wax would you recommend.

    I have Menzerna APO60, Wolfgang Deep Gloss Sealant, and a pot of Megs Wax as well as Megs Quick Wax at my disposal.

    I am not ruling out buying products if it will give me better durability as the car lives outside.

    I do prefer wax but I know it is not as durable as sealants.
    Last edited by Wolfgang; 06-09-2010 at 08:19 PM. Reason: More Info
    08 Golf GTI - SOLD

  9. #9
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    If you have got the Deep Gloss Sealant go for that, it is the longest lasting out of the selection. Another way to boost your protection for cars that live outside is using something like Duragloss Aquawax after your regular washes. Just a few sprays will add more gloss and top-up your protection each time.
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  10. #10
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    Thanks once again Mike.

    Would the Megs Quick Wax be fine to use after washes on top of the Deep Gloss Sealant?

    (I have a 2/3 full bottle of it hanging around.)
    08 Golf GTI - SOLD

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