Hey guys,
Here is the method i use to remove badges and side moldings. It may be of use to some of you either now or in th future. Any questions just ask!
Disclaimer/warning: DMS Detailing takes no responsibility for any damage that occurs to your vehicle if you use this guide. We suggest you use due caution and common sense when using this guide. In cases where a sticker/badge has been on the car for numerous years it is possible to remove the clear coat. This is highly unlikely but possible.
Step One
Wash the area
This means there is no dirt around for you to rub into the paint which has the potential to cause scratching. You will be left with this
Step Two
Use a hair dryer or heat gun to heat the badge. This softens the adhesives and will make it much less likely you cause serous damage (as per the warning).
Now use a bit of fishing line to pull the badge off. Once you have lifted the leading edge you should be able to scrap the fishing line and just pull it off with your hands. Heat it as you go the keep the adhesives pliable.
It will leave you with this
Step Three
To remove the residual adhesives i spray it with Stoners Xenit and let it dwell for 5 or so mins. Im told eucalyptus oil works well but ive not tried. You could also try wax and grease remover. Be aware whatever you use will remove any wax you have on the paint.
Step Four
After it has sit for 5 or so mins gently use an old microfiber towel to remove the letters. This will swirl the paint for sure but it will be fixed soon. As the towel gums up keep turning it to expose a new section. I then Clay the area to ensure all adhesive is removed. Wash the area to remove all traces of the ahedsive remover/clay lube.
It will look like this
Step 5
Polish the area to restore the colour/remove the swirls. I used the rotary, however it can be done by hand. I only used menzerna final finish on a white pad at 600 rpm so thats the least aggressive combo you will get.
Step Six
Once you have polished it wash/alcohol wipe the area to remove polish residue and follow with a coat of wax or sealant.
The final result will look something like this (these pics are pre wash and wax)
Last edited by DMS_Dan; 22-04-2009 at 05:05 PM.