I'd start with a new filter. It is reasonably cheap.
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Hi people,
I use my aircon everyday when i drive the car (2009 R36). However, recently i started smelling something foul coming from the A/C only when i switch it on at the start.
Does this mean my a/c filter has to be changed? Or can i apply some kind of a/c sanitizer to remedy this?
I'd start with a new filter. It is reasonably cheap.
Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
Performance Tunes from $850Wrecking RS OCTAVIA 2 Link
Agree with Transporter, try the filter.
Also try spraying some Glen20 into the air inlets.
I believe if you run the car with aircon on and then just turn it off the air condensates and can cause mould growth in the system.
I usually turn mine off about 2-3 minutes from home to allow the cold air to escape.
We have just got this new product in: Autoglym Air Con Sanitizer it has had some great reviews
Car Care Products Australia
www.carcareproducts.com.au - 1300 006 007 - info@carcareproducts.com.au
Sydney - Brisbane - Melbourne
It is like a 'bomb' spray - you put the Aircon on recyle, close the windows and lock on the spray can inside for about 15 minutes. Then turn everything off and leave for an hour. It kills everything nasty and prevents re-infestation for 6 months min.
Car Care Products Australia
www.carcareproducts.com.au - 1300 006 007 - info@carcareproducts.com.au
Sydney - Brisbane - Melbourne
Let me help u!!
Just had this same prob on my 08 gti that I bought off some people that must have lived under a tree by the amount of leaves in the air intake.
Anyway try this
First clean out all leaves etc under the black plastic cowling at base of windscreen.
Replace cabin filter with the carbon version from vw. Approximate 32bucks
Glen20 etc sprayed into the air intake under the black cowl (passenger side) might help but if smell comes back after a few days , then
I used worth ac disinfectant spray into the same air intake. Follow instructions on can carefully. Remove pollen filter before spraying.
Also sprayed down centre vents. I made an extension tube using 2 wd40 tubes stuck together and using the spray head frm a new wd40 can instead of the worth head. U could try the bomb type spray like autoglym or wynns instead of the above. Let us know how it goes.
There's one more major step if that doesn't work. Let me know as my fingers are cramped from holding my iPad now!!