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Thread: AAAARRGGHHH paint ruined

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Forest Lakes w.a

    Unhappy AAAARRGGHHH paint ruined

    i couldnt beleive what i was seeing this morning!! i knew that there was a small area on my bonnet that was peeling but my roof was fine. i had been considering a respray for a while now but didnt have the funds yet so been keeping my eye on what was just a patch the size of a jam jar lid. when i went to get in my car today.... it had spread like a virus

    the area on the bonnet has now quadrupled in size and there is a patch on both side of the roof above front seats. the car hasnt been sitting below anything that could have leaked on it. has been sitting in garage, the only thing that has happened that is out of the norm is , the car was in mechanics for three days, but i didnt notice any extra peeling when i got it back a couple of days ago
    any suggestions would be much appreciated
    Last edited by dc10; 11-07-2009 at 02:45 AM. Reason: more detail

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Users Country Flag
    looks like the clearcoat is coming off, unfortunetly there are no tips to be given, get the bonnet and roof resprayed


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Castle Hill (Sydney)

    Poor prep when it was painted coupled improper care in its early life has resulted in peeling clear. As Dom said it needs to be sprayed


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