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Thread: VWMA Drags June 29th

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    VWMA Drags June 29th

    Hi All,

    The VWMA drag event (VW Showdown) was postponed after the February rain-out and the new date is Saturday June 29th.

    For those that have already entered, your paperwork and payment will be carried over to the new date.

    The Watercooled bracket is well subscribed, with 21 entered. Cars range from a 1976 Mk1 1.8 to a 2011 Golf R. This makes the bracket the second biggest for the event, even outnumbering the VW Special Class (buggies, dragsters, etc), and not that far behind the Aircooled bracket, which has always traditionally made up 80% of the field. It is obvious word spread quickly from last year about how good value for money the day is - $110 for unlimited qualifying runs and non-elimination 4 round Round Robin with a semi and a final. Aside from breakages or shear exhaustion, it is possible to fit a minimum of 8 passes in the day. Try that at an open drag event. You also get to pit on the tarmac up close to the action, not shoved down the back of no-where.

    For those wishing to still enter for the event on June 29th, entries are now open at Volkswagen Magazine Australia. © 2013

    Hope to see a few more out there.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Considering... If I can borrow a helmet off someone would make it that much easier.

    Thanks for the post, I miss so many VW events I should get to.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
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    Hi All,

    Latest update:

    The programme for the new June 29th date remains largely the same, although with the event now in the middle of winter, some adjustments to the racing programme may happen to allow racing on the track at the optimum warmer hours.

    As mentioned in the first post, the website is now open and accepting new entries. I know there were a few drag racers who could not attend the old February date, so now is your chance to get back to the track. New entries close June 21st. I'd like to think it possible we could hit the magic 100 mark, which is easily achievable if all the VW drag cars in the country came out to play. So if you know of any hiding in places such as, I don't know, Orange or Tamworth or Logan, that haven't made the list yet, please give them a polite rev and remind them of what it means to have their own drag racing series.

    For new entrants not familiar with the procedure for the day, your tickets and racing information will be waiting for you at the track. All you need to do is turn up when the gates open and you will be directed inside to the pit area where I will need you to make your way over to the VWMA tent to collect all your gear and any final information.

    At the Nationals you would have already seen Wayne Penrose's new dragster import from the States. This along with another couple of new cars will certainly spice up the competition.

    The series also welcomes on board Hyper Race Fuels. Lou Guevara, a VW circuit and drag racer, has recently started this business which offers a range of blended race fuels ranging from 100 RON to 130 RON as well as Methanol. Lou will be at Sydney to talk with everyone about the new venture.

    The Pizza Cruise is on again on Friday night, so please make this another must do over your racing weekend. The track is helping with this cruise by making the closing time for the gates on Friday night later to allow teams staying at the track to attend.

    More updates to follow.

    Craig Hughes
    Editor / Part-Time Drag Racer

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by noone View Post
    Considering... If I can borrow a helmet off someone would make it that much easier.

    Thanks for the post, I miss so many VW events I should get to.
    Do it for sure, there will be quite a few of us there this time round and yes its an awesome day

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Good to hear the support. One of my main goals for the Sydney event is to increase the Watercooled participation. Being a 1/4 mile event the length is particularly suited to stretching the legs of the latest VAG cars. Ideally, I would be keen to see the late model VAG cars creep into the Top VW Shootout, which is the bracket for the fastest cars from all racing. Cut off is 11.00 this year, which is attainable. This is also the only prize money bracket.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Hi All,

    Two weeks until the VWMA Showdown Drags at Sydney on June 29th.

    New entries must be in by this Friday the 21st June. Entries from February are rolled over to the new date. Late entries will be accepted at the gate, but the price is $130 and extra crew must pay the normal gate price of $20 per adult. It pays to get in by the close off date. Pass the word around to those considering competing, but have not done the paperwork. Hop online - Volkswagen Magazine Australia. © 2013 - to register.

    I have received some notification by drivers of changes, so if things have changed since February to the car or crew, please email me asap.

    The Flat 4 Club of Sydney will be running the Show'n'Shine and I am eternally grateful for their support as this helps with the running of the day.

    Other than that, all is progressing well, and I Iook forward to seeing one of the biggest and best field of VW drag racers do battle on the 1/4 mile.

    Craig Hughes
    Editor / Part-Time Drag Racer

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
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    Hi All,

    Pre-paid entries are now closed for the VW Showdown this Saturday 29th June. Late entries will be accepted at the gate ($130 driver, crew $20 per person).

    If you are arriving on Friday I can be found at the track for you to collect your tickets and other information. I will be at the track until approximately 6pm, at which time I will be heading off to the Pizza cruise. At Dino's Pizza I will still be able to issue the pre-paid tickets, so you can catch me there if you missed me at the track. Failing that you will need to collect them from the front gate on Saturday morning. Your ticket is needed at scrutineering - no ticket, no racing. Simples!!

    92 cars have entered for the day with another batch of new cars and fresh faces. The cutoff for the Top VW Shootout is 11 seconds flat - a challenging, but achievable bench mark for the quicker cars.

    The programme is the same as February, but we'll bring everything forward by an hour to conduct all the racing before nightfall. The twilight cruise will be after the finals.

    Other than that, have a safe trip and see you on the track.

    Craig Hughes
    Editor / Part-Time Drag Racer

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    VWMA Drags June 29th

    What's the news with this?

    "I only post on Facebook if I know i am going to get likes" - M


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