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Thread: VW Queensland Raceway Breakfast and Laps April 9th

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    The Gap, Queensland
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    VW Queensland Raceway Breakfast and Laps April 9th

    Hello Fellow VAG enthusiasts!

    I have booked Qld Raceway for Breakfast + Laps ($40 for each driver/s and $20 for passengers and spectators) for Forum Members which will be payable to me. Please provide the colour, make and model of your car when requesting a spot so we can confirm who is out there. I have to pre-pay to book the event for us now. Closer to the date I will send you the payment details so we can have it all paid up and sorted on time. Payment is to be made by March 10. If we need to open it up to non forum members to fill spots costs will be $40 for Drivers and $20 for each of their Passengers.

    This invitation to join us on track is open to regular forum contributors only. I have experienced that non regular forum contributors do not receive the necessary notifications sent for me to receive payment on time.

    The Breakfast starts at 7:30am sharp and we should be out on the track by 8:15am after a safety briefing at 8am.
    Please be there by 7:15am.

    Please be aware that QLD Raceways does monitor the forum and as such, any posts regarding activities that breach the rules of the track/happy laps will be noted by the staff and you may be banned from the events.

    Queensland Raceways Management has asked that we review the format for our happy laps to ensure that we can continue to host the event in a safe and suitable manner and as a result we must urge that THIS SESSION IS NOT A RACE and non compliance will not be tolerated. People not adhering to the rules will be banned from future events.

    Numbers will be capped to 25 cars. This has been reduced from 28 and is why the price is now $40 for each driver.

    Rules are as follows (Please Read Carefully):

    Conduct: This is not a dedicated track event. People have been warned previously about their driving conduct and, as a result, we have been pulled off early. If this happens the offender will be banned from all future events.
    * FWD and AWD Euro cars preferred as per review request by Doug (at discretion of event organiser).
    * All vehicles that enter must be road-worthy and registered with viewable registration plates.
    * At a minimum, please wear shorts, t-shirt and closed-in shoes with a grippy sole.
    * No children under 12 years of age are allowed in cars on track.
    * Payments not received by the due date may mean member is removed from the main list and replaced by a reserve. This is so pre-payment to Qld Raceways is made on time.

    Overtaking is only permitted on the straight.
    * The responsibility is on the overtaking driver to do it safely. IF IN DOUBT, DO NOT OVERTAKE.
    * If you are not overtaking anyone on the main straight, please stay to the left of the track and let any driver that is consistently on your tail overtake you. You'll know this if you've been watching your mirrors.
    To be overtaken safely, maintain your speed at the entry to the main straight and stay to the left. Do not brake or accelerate, just hold your line at a reasonable, steady speed to allow the overtaking driver to execute the manoeuvre safely.
    * If you think you are actually quicker on the track, then you should be able to come up to that car again the next time you reach the main straight, and then the roles will be reversed: The original overtaking driver should now let the other car overtake.

    Passengers are welcome, however anyone entering the track (drivers, passengers and those splitting the driving) must have a wristband, which means that track fees are payable by everyone in the car (but you get a delicious breakfast, which is BONUS!) No children under 12 years of age are allowed in cars on track.

    Breakfast Menu:
    Toast, Egg and Capsicum omelette,
    Bacon, Chipolatas,
    Baked beans, Fried tomato,
    Mushrooms, Tea & coffee

    Please let me know if you have any food allergies/vegetarianism etc so i can see if they can source something suitable.

    Additional information and reminders:
    * This event is open to forum contributors only.
    * Anyone can come and passenger with you (no children under 12 years old).
    * I am capping the number to 25 cars to make the costs associated with the event still suitable while having a good number of cars to minimise traffic problems out on the track.
    * Please post to indicate that you would like to attend with the colour, make and model of your vehicle and how many people you will be bringing with you. You can be anonymous on the forum but you cannot be anonymous on the track.

    When the main list is full, members will be added to the reserve list. If someone pulls out, the first person on the reserve list will be moved up to the main list. Unfortunately, if you do not make it on the main list, then we cannot accommodate your car at the event, but other members might be keen to have you passenger and/or drive with them. Any forum members remaining on the reserve list by the event date will be placed directly on the main list for the next event. Please check the next event details when they are posted to ensure that you can attend if you are put on the main list.

    Directions for entry:
    Turn onto Champion Way Willowbank and drive to end of the road and through the entry gate. Proceed and park to left of the Control Tower.

    Payment due by March 10
    Main List: Drivers $40 each and Passengers $20 each

    $1 - prh1973 - White Toyota 86 GTS (organiser)
    $2 -
    $3 - TDIdiot - White Mk6 Golf GTI + 1 passenger
    $4 - keegz2 - White MK6 Golf R +1 passenger
    $5 - awesomeGTI - White MK6 GTI + 1 passenger
    $6 - guile - Black Audi S3
    $7 - HPRS230 - Grey Skoda RS230
    $8 - Ferret vrs - Blue Skoda RS220
    $9 - Poida - White Golf R
    $10 - Mdanrex - White Mk7 GTI
    $11 - nat225 - Blue Mk6 R
    $12 - Mattlock- White Mk7 R + 1 passenger
    $13 - Rohde - Red Polo GTI
    $14 - epigoo - Silber Mk5 Jetta
    $15 - lk265r - Black RS265 Megane
    16 - Jotham Joubert JNR - Toyota 86 to pay
    $17 - Chris Van Staden - MX5
    $18 - gk898r - Black Clio
    $19 - Raj Staran - Grey Ford RS
    $20 - ilidchen - White VRS (owed $40)
    $21 - RicoH - White VRS + 2 passengers
    $22 - tremolo - Focus RS
    $23 - Jotham Joubert SNR - Merc C250 + 1 passenger
    $24 - seangti - Red Poli
    $25 - Mad TT 08 - Black Audi TT

    $ = Paid

    Reserve List:

    1 - B187 - White Mk5 GTI
    2 - mk1/Rabbid - Black Mk2 Golf
    3 - charro - White Mk7 R (paid $40)
    4 - DarkShines - Black Mk6 GTI (paid $40)
    5 - millsy - White Polo GTI
    Last edited by prh1973; 09-04-2017 at 10:42 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Brisbane, QLD
    Hey mate

    HPRS230 - Skoda RS230 - Steel Grey
    Ferret vrs - Skoda RS220 - Race Blue
    Poida - Golf R - Boring White
    Skoda RS 230
    "The Grey Ghost"
    SG-TP-AB RS230 - Timeline

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Hey mate thanks for including me. Is there a list of rules to follow when on the track? I read there was some issues last time

    Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    The Gap, Queensland
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter
    Quote Originally Posted by millsy View Post
    Hey mate thanks for including me. Is there a list of rules to follow when on the track? I read there was some issues last time

    Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
    Hey millsy

    Please read all the info at the top of the thread. Before we go out on track on the day there is a safety briefing.

    Cheers Paul

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by prh1973 View Post
    Hey millsy

    Please read all the info at the top of the thread. Before we go out on track on the day there is a safety briefing.

    Cheers Paul
    Thanks! I didn't realise Happy Laps was what QR called it too (never been to one before)
    In case anyone else is in the same boat as me!

    Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

  6. #6
    Join Date
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Gold Coast, QLD
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    Please add me Paul, Silver Mk4 Golf 1.6L

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2011
    gold coast, qld
    Users Country Flag
    is it restricted to vag my golf might be meh.....
    hopefully running soon....if restricted to vag cars put me on reserve list....


    Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Gold Coast
    Users Country Flag
    same person... just old account conected to tapatalk.....
    cant remember password to it...

    "stop blowing holes in my ship"

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Gold Coast
    Users Country Flag

    forgot to give u cars....
    subaru gc8 - white/vw mk2 - all shades of black
    thanks for the info millsy

    "stop blowing holes in my ship"

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