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Thread: VITS April 26th Albury nsw

  1. #61
    Join Date
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    Preston, Vic
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    Quote Originally Posted by Water Boy View Post
    PS Im sorry I have no pics as I had no phone or camera.
    I do thought have gopro footage
    I had a phone AND a camera and didnt take one picture.... (sam took heaps though.. ill get him to post them up)

    None the less had a cracker of a day, even got sunburt! would love to see more pics! post em up peoples!

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    VITS April 26th Albury nsw


    Up at 6:30 to work half a day cus we're busy AF atm and I couldnt take the time off. (had to work half a day saturday before just to finish at lunch) I end up knocking off at 11:30 so bit of an early mark and head to Linc's place. Shortly after Seb and Tim rock up in the 2013 Liberty wagon road trip war machine. We're running a bit late so quickly pack our **** and head to Yass Maccas for a Mcflurry where we meet Anth, Hayden, Josh, Gino and his lady friend. We all smashed some processed food and hit the road.

    Once we hit Tarcutta Simon rocks up and I notice some random bora tagging along which I thought was weird. Anyway the drive down was smooth as, Anth was throwing sparks the whole way. Probably from that bashplate he added because his car isnt even that low. Simon was rolling on Taco's which made me pretty hungry. After 3.5 hours driving we're all like

    but once we hit the pub we were like

    We smashed beers, had a PARMY and talked **** with everyone who had rocked up since. Got to bed at about 1:30-2am after more beers and talk at the accommodation.


    My alarm starts blaring in my ear at 5:00am. Feeling a tad rough I drag myself out of bed and convince two of my room mates to join the few who wanted to go to the Dawn Service at Monument Hill. Pitch black outside and everything looks good in the sky so we all jump in Jarred's 80 and take the back streets to Monument Hill. Find a carpark, jump out and start marching up the hill. About halfway up and it starts raining on us. Luckily I was wearing a jacket which was kind of waterproof but everyone else was getting a good soaking. The rain eased just before they started the service luckily. Back to the accommodation for some quick catch up sleep before brekky.

    After a few hours of shut eye and some quick breakfast we all jumped in the car and headed to Bright for lunch. I was in Ryan's new Audi A32 (A3 in mk5 R32 spec) with delicious Alcantara Seats, DSG and a steering wheel that felt nice. Ww smashed it through some twisties with 10 odd cars in tow.

    Even Chris kept up in his new rocket

    Once we hit Bright I grabbed a meat pie, choccy milk and decided to treat myself to a Blackberry pie. A few lads had lunch and some beers at the brewery. We did the group photo at the sound stage down by the river and then it was my time to drive the A32 back. Had an awesome time smashing DSG gears and left foot braking through the twisties. Cheers Ryan for letting me take a spin.

    Back to the accomm with some decent weather and were delighted to see a few nice cars.

    Shinny's B6 Sedan

    And Brook's Bagged B4 wagon

    Had a quick change of clothes and off we were back to the pub in Zales new VR6 turbo Bora. Much speed. We met what seemed like the whole Albury division of the army at Paddies. They'd had a massive day playing 2up and drowning as many beers as possible. So tried my best not to get tangled up with them. Although they were too busy punching on with each other to have a problem with us. Another PARMY and few more beers and we headed back rolling 8 deep in the 80 series. THANKS FOR THE LIFTS JARRED AND ZALE. I was dropped at the bottle shop on the way home cus I'd clearly gone harder than everyone else and had ran out of drinks. Once I stumbled back to the Accommodation there was about 50+ people all crowded around 1 room. Once opened up everyone was inside, spilling out onto the Balcony drinking, talking, playing Cards against Humanity and occasionally running stealth missions to abuse the few slackers who'd gone to bed early. The rest of the night was well wild. The Canberra Boy's ended up smoking cigars by the end.


    Alarm went off at 9am, after a few snooze's I got out about 9:30 and then realised check out was at 10am and we were the only ones left. The joys of not taking a car to a show weekend is you dont have to get there on time. But I had 3 hungover mates to hurry up so we could clean the place and get out before 10. Hit a local cafe on Dean St for breakfast. We were the only people in the joint and somehow it still took 45mins to get out food. Can't complain though as it was just what we needed before spending a few hours in the sun!

    Got to the show, everyones cars parked up and looking glamorous. Then I spot the gazebo and everyones looking about the opposite after the big night we'd had. I was stoked I got to sleep in.

    Saw this dude

    checked out some fitment

    Saw this rad mk2 on Centra's

    Frothed over a pair of sexy mk3's

    These 4 looked PORN. 3 door mkiv 2.8 24V, BOLF, 12V VR 3 door and a 12V VR Cabby

    By now us 4 Canberran's were seriously struggling so we decided to leave a little bit early so we'd make it home early. I ended up driving while the rest of them slept.

    Cheers for the sick weekend everyone and thanks to Reece for putting it on again!!
    Last edited by ffoff; 27-04-2015 at 10:08 PM.

  3. #63
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    a few photos i took from our road trip from newcastle

  4. #64
    Join Date
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    Bairnsdale & Ferntree Gully, Victoria
    Couldnt head up early as work is flatout so had to sit through a whole day of uploads from everyone driving, drinking, and having a grand old time.
    5pm, woooo! rush home, double check everything. tyres to deliver, hub caps to deliver, cleaning gear, two spare wheels, spare adapters, spare wheel bolts, jack, tools, clothes, ipad, phone charger, hat, sunscreen.
    look down at facebook to see woody has no phone and is running a bit late.
    the Seat raws into my driveway, load up foffs coils, woodys clothes, the eski, and we are on the way.
    turn up at cold stream to find we are the second of four cars to arrive even though we were silly late.
    the headlights of a well inflated-airbagged passat are spotted jiggling along the bumps in our direction, then a VR6 convertible I hadnt laid eyes on for a while rolled up.

    all was going well until I got the call to pull over and wait as we had lost Brook after he lost some essential bolts, after attempting to steal some matching bolts from other areas of the cars we gave up and made do with what we had.

    some test flights and a quick check of air ride issues and we were on the way again.

    rolled in the albury at god knows what time, shown some phone light in the face of our sleeping room mates, and checked how the other kids were partying. off to bed.

    I woke up and passed out several times and the guys went off to the dawn service. on their return and after they had dried some clothes we hit the town in Jarreds 80 series. coffee and breakfast was consumed, then back to the cabin to get ready for Bright.
    I was passenger in Lankys minter mk3, not long later we had pulled over to pay respect to skippy and to throw a wheel brace at ginos wheels.
    VITS April 26th Albury nsw-11192940_1412230472429105_1143646904_n-jpg

    Bright involved some meat pies, bakery desserts and a beer at the brewery followed by some sneaky photos, rolling vids, and cruising.
    I hit up the car wash and sorted some wheel issues. quick vac and hose before sneaking back to the accom.
    off to paddys for a feed and beer, thanks to Jarred and Ryan for the lifts to and from.
    had a nightcap and off to bed. we dont drink or party...

    packed the car, threw a pair of new wheels in the back of Jarreds 80 (thanks Stathi and Jarred), to the car wash and off to the show.
    day was spent chilling, perving on some new wheels and cars before having a quick muck around with the footys and vortex and having a good old catch up.
    threw the stockies on the back (brah!) poked Anths adapters, and we were on the road again.
    Woody did some driving, smashed some frame (and maybe gear box?), spotted a big skippy, and watched the fuel gauage slowly creep to next to nothing as we rolled into FTG. 1 tank of fuel which I was happy with considering the load on board and our un economical driving.

    Still havent unpacked the car, or uploaded my poor quality phone pics other then the one above.
    man handled a go pro most of saturday so hopefully there is some ok footage on that.
    Bora gone
    Vento VR6
    7P Touareg TDI

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Melbourne VIC

  6. #66
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    Feb 2007
    I had the day off work luckily, which meant a more relaxed start to the weekend was possible. 12 noon rollout from Melbourne with Ryan and Lanky. Trip was smooth, and trouble-free all the way there. When we arrived we kicked back, had a beer or three, waited for the rest of the Wagga, Canberra, Sydney and Newcastle / Cenny Coast crew to arrive.

    We then headed in to the pub for a Parmy (if I'm to use the correct local dialect). Further beers were consumed, and after these beers we were asked to produce our IDs to check age. Bouncers doing their due-diligence after they'd already sold us numerous beers. After this we headed back to the accomm to hang with late arrivals and then hit the hay early(ish). The 100 year anniversary ANZAC service was bright and early the next morning.

    At 4:30 we shook off the shackles of sleep, dusted off any lingering signs of the night prior's escapades, and headed in to town. I packed a rain jacket as there was some lightning around - but of course left it in the car. Bad idea - it poured down as soon as we were half way up the hill to the memorial. The rain, thunder and lightning made for a really sombre background for remembering the ANZACs, and while clothes may have been dampened, spirits were not.
    VITS April 26th Albury nsw-img_7547-jpg

    After the service we headed back, put clothes out to dry and after a nap, headed into town again for brekky. Followed by a cruise up to Bright. It was a nice drive offering great views and nice autumn colours. Pie for lunch and a quick brew went down a treat.
    VITS April 26th Albury nsw-img_7548-jpg

    That night we headed into the pub again for a feed, then back to accommodation for a moderate night of Volkswagen enthusiast networking before the show the following morning.
    VITS April 26th Albury nsw-img_7551-jpg

    I awoke early to get the car cleaned. Albury was cloaked in a thick fog, and I had concerns for the weather that day. Car washed, room cleared out and packed - we headed into the show.

    My highlight of the cars presented at the show were the Fridolin, the white Mk1 with stripes, and the Mk2 GTI with Centras. All perfect examples of what I like most about Volkswagens.
    VITS April 26th Albury nsw-img_7557-jpg
    VITS April 26th Albury nsw-img_7553-jpg

    It was also great to see Zale's new Bora, Simon's new 3-spokes, Tyne's new look for the GTI, Jye's wagon with new wheels, and Dylan on the Futuras. Anth's Mk5 on new wheels looked great too. Jon's GTI was clean and nicely coordinated as well.

    Congrats to all the winners on the day. YellowDieselGolf - congrats on the win mate your car never fails to impress.

    The drive home was an uneventful one. Stopped halfway for a toilet break, and spotted a cool GT3-RS. I gave a thumbs up, he smiled and nodded in return. I think we are now best friends / soulmates. Lanky thanks for being a good roadtrip buddy, always a pleasure watching the Mk3 rolling on the highway.

    What a weekend away. Good times as usual when we hit up these kinds of events. If you missed it, try to come along to a show some time. You can meet new people, see cool cars, and make plenty of good memories.

    Thank you to Reece and the rest of the crew for a great show as usual. Can't wait till next year!
    Last edited by madglf3; 28-04-2015 at 12:05 AM.
    My Mk1 Project

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by madglf3 View Post
    Jon's GTI was clean and nicely coordinated as well.

    Time for another view. Photo credit to many Potato Cameras and Downfall Photography.


    We all got to BP at roughly 11am - 11:45am with Matty Pants in his Red S4 being the straggler at 12:03pm. Sorry folks, no pictures from that as we were too busy wrapping the fronts of our cars with tape to protect most of the people's freshly resprayed bars and brand new paint just out of the factory.

    With our stomach's full of Subway and Pies (mostly Subway), we hit the road in a nice big pack.

    After many many mannnnnnny bumps and the majority of us getting airborne and ruining a few guards and subframes over a gigantic bump that no one seemed to see and plenty of rolling shots, we headed into the servo as 100KM is a bit too far for a few people's bladders and stomachs.

    After a quick bite and a pee break, we headed back out onto the road where we slowly broke up into smaller groups due to all the speedos being out for the stretched tyre guys and others wanting to get there a bit quicker and relax after the drive. After an unfortunate run in with a Highway Patrolman who we hope was simply filming us for the purposed if we did something silly, we arrived in Albury and went back to our Hotels for a quick change of pants and to unload our luggage. Then we went off to the Suds Car Wash in a big group snapping many necks with the locals not understanding why a whole bunch of cars were terrible wrapped.

    After the wash and a quick scare from one of the local cops just wanting to come in and give his car a quick wash, we were back to the Hotel to freshen up again. Shortly after we headed to the Bended Elbow for a quick drink and some decent parmas*. Unfortunately many of us Melbourne folk were bewildered, confused, and slightly angered by the use of the work "parmi" on their menu. After sorting it out with one of their staff we were assured everything was in order and our table for 30 was ready to go. After a decent feed and a decent chin wag, some of us headed downstairs to Cold Rock, while others walked off to Paddy's, and somehow my Fiance and I got lost trying to get back to our hotel. Maybe 3 pints was too many for this ginger-bearded man..


    As we awaken nice and early at 7am to our "Complimentary Breakfast" of 2 small boxes of cereal and some toast, we quickly freshened up, got changed and packed the car to get there early as we were helping setup the Hennessy Auto Styling stand. Rolling in the grounds looks a bit a scene from Silent Hill, but we ventured inward to the grounds and made our way up onto the hill.

    Throughout the day I met a few people from the other states I would never have had the opportunity to without events like VITS. It's this kinda stuff that makes it completely different from just chatting over Facebook/Forum and liking posts. This is what brings the enthusiasts together to creates a bigger and better community.


  8. #68
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    With the show coming to a close and a few in our group cleaning up during the awards, we began to tape our cars back up with many bewildered onlookers wondering what in the FSM's name we were doing to our cars.

    Claiming second place in the Best Mk5/6 Category was definitely a bit surprise for me as there was so many decent cars out and about at the event. Vader was very happy though.

    But, the highlight of the event for me, was a good mate of mine Fabio doing the "nae nae snap" whilst riding one of the things in the playground, we were all in stitches up on the hill.

    Heading back to Melbourne, again people's bladders couldn't wait the whole distance, so we stopped in the 12 degree weather and cold as fark rain for a pee break and a change into some warmer clothes.

    Again, thanks so much to the organisers, helpers, and sponsors that made this event possible. You help enthusiasts come together from all over Australia just to see some epic VAG vehicles and create new bonds and friendships.

    We're looking forward to next year's one.
    Last edited by Deadpool; 28-04-2015 at 05:48 PM.

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Melbourne VIC
    Good work lads!

  10. #70
    Join Date
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    Albury, NSW Australia
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    Thanks guys!

    Two things - I ran into one of the kombi owners at work yesterday. We chatted about the show for a few minutes and as I was leaving she says "Oh . . . Weird question, but at the end of the show a bunch of the guys were covering their cars in tape. What's that about?"

    Secondly - Yes. It is called a parmy. Parmi is an accepted variation. Nobody here knows what a parma is.
    79 MK1 GLD
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