Up at 6:30 to work half a day cus we're busy AF atm and I couldnt take the time off. (had to work half a day saturday before just to finish at lunch) I end up knocking off at 11:30 so bit of an early mark and head to Linc's place. Shortly after Seb and Tim rock up in the 2013 Liberty wagon road trip war machine. We're running a bit late so quickly pack our **** and head to Yass Maccas for a Mcflurry where we meet Anth, Hayden, Josh, Gino and his lady friend. We all smashed some processed food and hit the road.
Once we hit Tarcutta Simon rocks up and I notice some random bora tagging along which I thought was weird. Anyway the drive down was smooth as, Anth was throwing sparks the whole way. Probably from that bashplate he added because his car isnt even that low. Simon was rolling on Taco's which made me pretty hungry. After 3.5 hours driving we're all like
but once we hit the pub we were like
We smashed beers, had a PARMY and talked **** with everyone who had rocked up since. Got to bed at about 1:30-2am after more beers and talk at the accommodation.
My alarm starts blaring in my ear at 5:00am. Feeling a tad rough I drag myself out of bed and convince two of my room mates to join the few who wanted to go to the Dawn Service at Monument Hill. Pitch black outside and everything looks good in the sky so we all jump in Jarred's 80 and take the back streets to Monument Hill. Find a carpark, jump out and start marching up the hill. About halfway up and it starts raining on us. Luckily I was wearing a jacket which was kind of waterproof but everyone else was getting a good soaking. The rain eased just before they started the service luckily. Back to the accommodation for some quick catch up sleep before brekky.
After a few hours of shut eye and some quick breakfast we all jumped in the car and headed to Bright for lunch. I was in Ryan's new Audi A32 (A3 in mk5 R32 spec) with delicious Alcantara Seats, DSG and a steering wheel that felt nice. Ww smashed it through some twisties with 10 odd cars in tow.
Even Chris kept up in his new rocket
Once we hit Bright I grabbed a meat pie, choccy milk and decided to treat myself to a Blackberry pie. A few lads had lunch and some beers at the brewery. We did the group photo at the sound stage down by the river and then it was my time to drive the A32 back. Had an awesome time smashing DSG gears and left foot braking through the twisties. Cheers Ryan for letting me take a spin.
Back to the accomm with some decent weather and were delighted to see a few nice cars.
Shinny's B6 Sedan
And Brook's Bagged B4 wagon
Had a quick change of clothes and off we were back to the pub in Zales new VR6 turbo Bora. Much speed. We met what seemed like the whole Albury division of the army at Paddies. They'd had a massive day playing 2up and drowning as many beers as possible. So tried my best not to get tangled up with them. Although they were too busy punching on with each other to have a problem with us. Another PARMY and few more beers and we headed back rolling 8 deep in the 80 series. THANKS FOR THE LIFTS JARRED AND ZALE. I was dropped at the bottle shop on the way home cus I'd clearly gone harder than everyone else and had ran out of drinks. Once I stumbled back to the Accommodation there was about 50+ people all crowded around 1 room. Once opened up everyone was inside, spilling out onto the Balcony drinking, talking, playing Cards against Humanity and occasionally running stealth missions to abuse the few slackers who'd gone to bed early. The rest of the night was well wild. The Canberra Boy's ended up smoking cigars by the end.
Alarm went off at 9am, after a few snooze's I got out about 9:30 and then realised check out was at 10am and we were the only ones left. The joys of not taking a car to a show weekend is you dont have to get there on time. But I had 3 hungover mates to hurry up so we could clean the place and get out before 10. Hit a local cafe on Dean St for breakfast. We were the only people in the joint and somehow it still took 45mins to get out food. Can't complain though as it was just what we needed before spending a few hours in the sun!
Got to the show, everyones cars parked up and looking glamorous. Then I spot the gazebo and everyones looking about the opposite after the big night we'd had. I was stoked I got to sleep in.
Saw this dude
checked out some fitment
Saw this rad mk2 on Centra's
Frothed over a pair of sexy mk3's
These 4 looked PORN. 3 door mkiv 2.8 24V, BOLF, 12V VR 3 door and a 12V VR Cabby
By now us 4 Canberran's were seriously struggling so we decided to leave a little bit early so we'd make it home early. I ended up driving while the rest of them slept.
Cheers for the sick weekend everyone and thanks to Reece for putting it on again!!