It's official. Our cottage is avialable:
28-Dec Wed
29-Dec Thu
30-Dec Fri
31-Dec Sat
No race track nearby, but lots of hilly, twisty, empty roads to have fun on.
We are on the Targa route and they don't pick their stages because they're easy driving!
Cost will be the price of doing the laundry (which you can be exempt from if you bring a sleeping bag and pillow) and $5 per head per night to cover power, insurance and all the other things that we have to pay for. The cottage sleeps 7 in beds but there's plenty of floor. Feed yourselves.
Look at the place at and check out the map of how to get here (it's under "Staying with us").
wow, early. i am hoping i can get something up and running by then, although at the stage i am beggining to doubt that i willbut i will let you know i guess.