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Thread: Lakeside Raceway Brekkie and Laps Sunday December 1

  1. #51
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
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    Thank you very much for doing this and posting. It is appreciated. Can you add some blurr to make me look fast!
    previously known as vwgolfer

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
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    something different

    Hi Paul,

    My son and I both enjoyed the morning at Lakeside, thanks for arranging it. Although I did get told to slow down a few times.
    I was wondering as the happy laps are kind of like a roll race (with a cap of 120kph), would it be possible to arrange a meeting for the forum at QLD raceway for roll racing? Would be a bit more interesting/competitive and compared to a drag race, take away the advantage of awd, unless it rained.

    Thanks again

    Last edited by pogo_55; 10-12-2019 at 09:21 PM.

  3. #53
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    Jul 2011
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    Quote Originally Posted by pogo_55 View Post
    Hi Paul,

    My son and I both enjoyed the morning at Lakeside, thanks for arranging it. Although I did get told to slow down a few times.
    I was wondering as the happy laps are kind of like a roll race (with a cap of 120kph), would it be possible to arrange a meeting for the forum at QLD raceway for roll racing? Would be a bit more interesting/competitive and compared to a drag race, take away the advantage of awd, unless it rained.

    Thanks again

    I'd be up for that. Keen to see how my new car goes, all I know is that it goes way quicker than I can test on a road without hitting jail territory very quickly. It just keeps pulling, and pulling...

  4. #54
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by pogo_55 View Post
    Hi Paul,

    My son and I both enjoyed the morning at Lakeside, thanks for arranging it. Although I did get told to slow down a few times.
    I was wondering as the happy laps are kind of like a roll race (with a cap of 120kph), would it be possible to arrange a meeting for the forum at QLD raceway for roll racing? Would be a bit more interesting/competitive and compared to a drag race, take away the advantage of awd, unless it rained.

    Thanks again

    Hey Guys

    Sorry can safely say that a majority of the VW crew are not a fan of this style event. There are plenty of other events that offer this like the Downshift happy laps. You may consider doing some of their events if this is the style you want.


  5. #55
    Join Date
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    The Gap, Queensland
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    First event for 2020 is up on the forum Queensland Raceway Brekkie and Laps - Saturday February 1

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