Any vic folks doing the trip?
gonna try and make this one
Polo GTI
T-Roc R
Tiguan R
Any vic folks doing the trip?
- Orange Golf mk1 LS, 1.8 5speed, 32/36 - sold
- Golf mk1 Swallowtail rebuild, completely stripped
- Brown U.S import 81 cabby
- 88 Honda crx b18cr
Hassle all the MK1 and MK2 guys to go George. Lets try and get some big numbers of old Golfs at GAD.
I'm trying to mate, speaking to a few mk1 owners now
- Orange Golf mk1 LS, 1.8 5speed, 32/36 - sold
- Golf mk1 Swallowtail rebuild, completely stripped
- Brown U.S import 81 cabby
- 88 Honda crx b18cr
Are any ACTer's members of the ACT Clubveedub chapter?
if only this was a week earlier....
84 MK1 GTI
01 DC2R
I may have a friend who is still a member woody, what do you need to know?
Got word:
Details for the Shannons German Auto Display are as follows -
Event - Shannons German Auto Display 2014
Date - Sunday 21st September 2014
Entrants Time - 8.00AM till 3.00PM
Location - Patrick White Lawns, in front of the National Library of Australia
Parkes Place, turn off King Edward Terrace, Parkes, ACT
Access - Only Entrants Vehicle Entry is off Parkes Place, left turn after passing the front of the National Library
Entrants will then be directed to their marque location within the site
Entrant Cost - $5 per vehicle, of which approx. $3 goes to the event's nominated charity, remainder for event costs.
Entrant fee to be handed to the individual Club you are with.
Entrant's Note - all entrant's cars are to have a 300 x 300 drip tray underneath the vehicle to comply with gov't conditions of approval
Drip tray can be metal or piece of 3 ply, but not to blow around the site if it's windy
Nominated charity - ACT Prostate Cancer Support Group
Food and coffee vendors will be on site all day and port-a-loos on site
Public welcome to browse cars and dealer displays
Trophies presented by each attending club with the German Ambassador presenting a trophy for their "best in show", committee trophy for "best overall" and trophy for "best dealer display"
Glad you can make it
Peter Woods
Shannon German Auto Display Committee