Yes was a good day for it.
There were quite a few BMWs - just didn't post up so many photos But the Lamborghini, McLaren and couple of Ferraris certainly helped to add a bit of interest.
Not sure where it's going to be held next year but hopefully the event continues to grow. Certainly worth parking and being on display as museum entry was included.
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2017 Tiguan Sportline - Tigger73's 162TSI Sportline
2016 Scirocco R, stage 1, 205kwaw (sold) - Tigger73's Scirocco R Build
2013 Tiguan 155TSI, stage 1, 144kwaw (sold) - Tigger73's 155TSI Build
2011 Tiguan 125TSI, Stage 2+, 152kwaw (sold) - Tigger73's 125TSI Build
Thats my maroon mk3 hahahaha!
420 dank blaze it