Got home from work early. Had a bit of a problem with the air horn, compressors and stereo not turning on so I ran a new cable from the battery and bought a new fuse holder. Didn’t solve the problem >_< So I changed the earth and it all worked like a dream!
Woody dropped past then we went for a BRAAAPPP to get BBC member 1.
One the road…NEK MINNUT…busted a coolant hose. FRIK. Cut the dodgy bit off, re fitted the hose and tried to find some water, thanks old lady that let us use your front tap.
Drove to the other side of the earth (Marrrraaaaa-biiiiii-nong) picked up some wheels for some illest kid in wagga.
Nearing Violet Town I got a phone call asking how much fuel I had - “not much ey”. I did a quick investigation of the fuel sale situation in the town past midnight and it was non existent. Pulled back out and headed to Benalla as our last hope before we would surely run out. Driving through ghost town like some lost tourists we discovered EVERYTHING WAS SHUT. Instead of picking the bum that could have filled our tanks with his breath we decided to head on at 80km/h to get the best fuel economy we could.
4km from glen rowan BP…we lost one. You did well seat haha. Filled the Jerry and my car up. $112 later. Frikkkkkk.
HI REECE, 3am we hit the pillow harder than I ever thought possible.
Good morning Puggles, Reece, Caitlyn, Dyldo-baggins and Got more wood than a tree. Thanks heaps for letting us stay! ☺
Dean St brekky and on the road again! Took a wrong turn on the way to wagga wagga (my badddddd) went down this amazing back road instead
Take some GOpro footage and cruise the Hume.
See the wagga boys, apply some wire wrap, give simon some sh!7, toot some people and then on the road againI departed the racer boys and started my own adventure in Sydney.
Arrived at Mischa’s at 8ish, started drinking. took selfies with strippers, took selfies in a sex store, almost kicked out of a club, beware of crane and vomited in a bin. Successful night!
Why oh why did you wake me up Ellen?!?! (Mischa’s Mrs)
Went to a cool food market thingy, Dr who pop up store, took a picture of the car and drank some coffee YUM
Acquired a nap, started drinking, went to the city, danced with a girl, brought the girl home...told the girl to go home at 5:30.