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Thread: VWA CC no more...

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Unhappy VWA CC no more...

    I was speaking to one the VW sales rep about the 2017 CC to see if he has any information about the new shape. Unfortunately he told me that VWA will no longer import any CC, 2016 will be that last model for Australia. He said the reason was the slow demand for the car and whoever wants to pay $75K for a new car, they'd rather spend the money on other "luxury" brands. He also mentioned that VWA has removed the CC from the website.

    I was really surprised that they removed the CC and kept The Beetle.

    That made me sad, I was really looking forward to getting the new shape.

  2. #2
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    Hey mate, I heard the same In a article a while back, but this confirms it.

    Bit of a shame, we were left out of some models like the r line range previously also.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Not surprised really. The CC was never a volume mover.

    1981 Honda Civic hatch. Proper AUTO REVERSE cassette player. AM/FM with Stereo speakers. Four (yep, FOUR!) speed manual. Full cloth trim seats. HALOGEN lightbulbs! Factory options fitted: rear wipers and washer, "Go Fast" wheel covers & electric front windows.

  4. #4
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    Yeah it wasn't a volume mover, but it looks beautiful on the road. It still turns heads around until this day.
    I'm sure the CC would beat Infiniti in terms of sales in Australia

  5. #5
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    Not wrong there. I still get the odd random person coming up to me when I park up asking me bout the car and complimenting it's beautiful lines and proportions.

    It's not a very big vehicle (definitely smaller than a CLS) but you wouldn't pick it because the proportions just look.... well, right.

    Anyway, I will miss it greatly. I've just sold my CC and am just waiting on settlement. I'm going to miss getting 1,200+km from a single tank from Norseman, WA to Ceduna SA through the Nullabor.

    1981 Honda Civic hatch. Proper AUTO REVERSE cassette player. AM/FM with Stereo speakers. Four (yep, FOUR!) speed manual. Full cloth trim seats. HALOGEN lightbulbs! Factory options fitted: rear wipers and washer, "Go Fast" wheel covers & electric front windows.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eaglen00b View Post
    Not wrong there. I still get the odd random person coming up to me when I park up asking me bout the car and complimenting it's beautiful lines and proportions.

    It's not a very big vehicle (definitely smaller than a CLS) but you wouldn't pick it because the proportions just look.... well, right.

    Anyway, I will miss it greatly. I've just sold my CC and am just waiting on settlement. I'm going to miss getting 1,200+km from a single tank from Norseman, WA to Ceduna SA through the Nullabor.
    Was your car advertised for $43888? I have been keeping an eye on a fully loaded one in WA in top condition, the only reason for me not making a move was the distance...
    aaah that was is a V6, obviously yours is a TDI

  7. #7
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    Nope, $30,500

    1981 Honda Civic hatch. Proper AUTO REVERSE cassette player. AM/FM with Stereo speakers. Four (yep, FOUR!) speed manual. Full cloth trim seats. HALOGEN lightbulbs! Factory options fitted: rear wipers and washer, "Go Fast" wheel covers & electric front windows.

  8. #8
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    Add it to the ever growing list of "not in Australia anymore". It's a bit of a shame that these (and other models) can't go onto a "special order" list or something. I'm sure there is some reason like compliance cost or support costs that means this whole idea is a non starter... still it's a shame how many models either don't make it or get pulled from the Aussie market.

    That said, I suppose private imports are coming soon... right?

    If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit

  9. #9
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    Yep should be able to import any new car you want from 2018 onwards, needs to be under a year old and under 5,000km I believe

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eaglen00b View Post
    Nope, $30,500
    So... an update. Buyer can't get funds together in time to meet the agreed settlement date. So she'll be back up for sale come this Friday. Thanks for the non-refundable deposit!

    1981 Honda Civic hatch. Proper AUTO REVERSE cassette player. AM/FM with Stereo speakers. Four (yep, FOUR!) speed manual. Full cloth trim seats. HALOGEN lightbulbs! Factory options fitted: rear wipers and washer, "Go Fast" wheel covers & electric front windows.

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