MY09 R36 has the same white display as the CC...
Missus thought the Wagon looked like a hearse (Just a personal oinion)
Originally we started to look at the R36 because of the wagon but are tending to gravitate to the sedan now.
Another question I have is re the central trip computer.
The R36 was a MY08 whereas the CC was MY09.
The CC would display the current speed digitally but the R36 couldn't.
Can the MY09 R36 update unit display the digital speed as well?
Was a handy feature we've grown used to in the Audi.
Liked the white layout rather than the red numbers too.
MY09 R36 has the same white display as the CC...
What was it that you found boring though? Was it the drive? I would be surprised if it was that, as it has the same engine/chassis setup as the R36. Maybe it just felt boring because it doesn't quite have the sporty 'feel' that the R36 has? Perhaps the CC appeals more to oldies?!
Anyway, it's good that you drove them back to back, as it helped you make up your own mind. (I'm a great believer in personal taste being the important factor and hate it when people say you're an idiot because your taste in cars differs from their own!).
Having had the CC for about 2 weeks now and driven to Coffs and back (1500kms all up), and visited my brother who just got an R36 sedan in January, the CC has a slicker interior/exterior with more comfort features (and the comfort setting on the suspension is really nice for long drives), aswell as the useful options of Park Assist and Adaptive Cruise Control - both of which I used pretty extensively. The front seats are more comfortable (according to my brother) in the CC because its all leather. Wife likes it more too. But my brother likes the harder suspension and definitely needs the 5 seats. Neither of us have really driven the cars hard during the run in period (mentioned in the manual) at 1500kms. They're the same engine so I don't expect huge differences.
However I have had a large (hopefully teething problem) in my CC - it leaks! During the heavy rain in Coffs, water pooled beneath the carpet in the drivers footwell area. Now its currently in the shop getting dried and the leak source identified. I hope this is not a bad omen - but for others buying this car, I would look out for this fault specifically as it may be an across the model problem (or not).
I wouldnt expect huge differences bewteen the cars as they are essentially exactly the same car anyway except for the shape of the panels and the handling setup. I went for the R36 as I prefer a sportier drive and prefer the grippier seats in the R36 , but I think the CC looks fantastic!
Yeah the CC looks fantastic ...but I don't know why but I wasn't blown away by it.
Prefer my cars more stifly suspended and the missus complained of car sickness in the CC (comfort setting)
In the brochure the cream interior looked fantastic but the cream portion of the dash already had grubby finger marks on it that wouldn't come off.
It looked cheap but the black could look much better.
Must own up to the fact that I hate leather seats and although they look good and smell great they are just a plain dumb idea for our climate.
After the test ride my shirt was damp yet it wasn't that hot.
I did test the heated seats on the Missus(without her knowing) and it took her 30 secs to start complaining
Anyway I can't define why I didn't fall for the CC.
Looking at it I couldn't help thinking early '90's Mazda 929 or Ford Taurus rather than Mercedes. Don't mean to offend with that comment it's just we all like different things.
I thought the R36 looked dated but now tending to think it's more classic and may date better than the CC.
But then show me a R version of the CC and I could change my mind (or a Gold Coast bodykit)
That sort of thing has been known to happen to cars in the past. I suppose the most famous one being the classic mini. I hope it's not a design error/issue but if it is, it won't take long for it to be noticed in the wet winter of Europe.
I'm pretty sure they drive test cars through all sorts of wet conditions these days to stop that kind of thing happening. It's probably just a missing/loose plug or something! If anyone else has this problem, let us all know!
Decisions decisions
For rarity/wolf in sheeps clothing factor R36 sedan, for being unique CC, for all round ability R36 wagon.
Having said all that I'd choose the CC![]()
- Ben
1961 Karmann Ghia Coupé - 1993 Golf Cabriolet - 2006 Golf Comfortline 1.9L TDI
2008 Jetta 2.0L FSI
I keep looking at pics on the internet of the CC and think WOW!
Yet the example I saw left me cold.
Maybe I need to see one in a different colour with black interior