The sharkfin antenna is for the satnav fitted to these cars. It's always been that way:
My father has a 2010 CC and I too have to say I think this is a retrograde step. Agree 100% on the badges too - the car looks so much better with a clean, badgeless boot. About the only change that I like are the tail lights (I found them a bit too Hyundai-curvy on the previous model).
2008 MkV Volkswagen Golf R32 DSG
2005 MkV Volkswagen Golf 2.0 FSI Auto
Sold: 2015 8V Audi S3 Sedan Manual
Sold: 2010 MkVI Volkswagen Golf GTI DSG
Thanks Phaeton for the great pics of new CC - were very useful in helping Philip from Lakin Plates get idea of number plate mounts. He's putting together some mini Euro number plate custom frames for me to mount onto my new CC, when it arrives from Germany. Can't wait!
2013 CC 130TDI Night Blue Metallic with Driver Assistance Package, Park Assist 2, Walnut Trim and Ambient Lighting, Front Active Climate Control Seats, Towbar, and Dynaudio Premium Audio.
My previous ride - 2005 Golf Comfortline DSG 2.0 TDI
And don't those Interlagos wheels look sexy! Sadly, not on 125TDI although Lakeville wheels look better (IMHO) than the shoes the Passat CC diesel used to wear.
2013 CC 130TDI Night Blue Metallic with Driver Assistance Package, Park Assist 2, Walnut Trim and Ambient Lighting, Front Active Climate Control Seats, Towbar, and Dynaudio Premium Audio.
My previous ride - 2005 Golf Comfortline DSG 2.0 TDI
Always been a fan of the CC - previous model had a bit more 'style' than this updated model though IMO.
They are (and have always been) a great bang for buck model compared to much of the other Euro competion. Come very well specced with all the fruit (much of which is standard-fare).
I considered changing over when the previous model Passat CC was released, but held off. Given the value offering was improved with a lot of options being thrown in as standard with this new model, I'm sort of glad I did. Definitely hard to turn down now - I looked at MB CDI 250, BMW 320i, Landrover Sport and even Toureg in comparison and the new Volkswagen CC just came out ahead on bang for buck every time (I don't mind paying more than CC's price tag, but as an overall package it's hard to justify the gaps with the others - they might be a little better in some areas, but not enough to justify the premium).
2013 CC 130TDI Night Blue Metallic with Driver Assistance Package, Park Assist 2, Walnut Trim and Ambient Lighting, Front Active Climate Control Seats, Towbar, and Dynaudio Premium Audio.
My previous ride - 2005 Golf Comfortline DSG 2.0 TDI
I wonder if it'd be possible to specify all five wheels (including spare) to be Interlagos instead of Lakevilles when you put down an order for a new CC at the dealership?? I'd even consider laying down a little bit extra cash for the changeover, but most definitely not a silly figure like over $1,000 just for wheels, ESPECIALLY WHEN I don't get to keep the original wheels to sell on eBay or something to recover some of the cost!
Like GippsCC said, the Interlagos wheels are mighty fine lookin. However it's standard with the V6, which I'm not really a fan of.
The perfect combination for me would be a 125TDI with 4Motion and Interlagos wheels, which unfortunately can't be had (4motion at least) in Australia.
Personally I find the Lakevilles don't really complement the sleekness of the car. The previous wheels on the diesel were simply ghastly and had more than just a hint of "WTF were they thinking?!?!".
It would be doable, but that $1K+ price would be in the wind I reckon (hell, just adding a tow bar was fifteen hundred!). There's no doubt I'd pause even at $1K plus asking, but really how much time do you spend looking at your mags - I'm crazy enough to consider it, not crazy enough to let myself say yes!
As for TDI with 4motion (and Interlagos rims) as an official option (or in perfect world, standard) I'd jump on that too - just crazy diesel misses out on that option (you'd have to think better suited right? If it was SUV, it'd be a forgone conclusion).
As you say, at least I can consol myself that I didn't have to put up with the previous butt-ugly Lakevilles. So glad I didn't buy the 1st edition CC (almost did), this 2nd edition CC far better for both value and looks.
Hopefully it won't be too much longer for me to fawn over my one soon. Will definately share my experiences with the forum.
2013 CC 130TDI Night Blue Metallic with Driver Assistance Package, Park Assist 2, Walnut Trim and Ambient Lighting, Front Active Climate Control Seats, Towbar, and Dynaudio Premium Audio.
My previous ride - 2005 Golf Comfortline DSG 2.0 TDI