I think this is really a personal choice. I have only seen the individual packs on the Touareg and thought it was a bit OTT IMO
Interested to know if any CC owners have been tempted by the individual package. My thoughts are that the interior colour on this is superior to the usual options as are the wheels.
Also if you were going for the individual CC would you go for the Moonlight Blue which is only available on individual or White as we are leaning towards?
On the verge of ordering a 3.6 individual in White (see http://www.carupdater.com/cars/used/...ler=1012181318 for an example), so would be interested to hear thoughts. Cheers.
I think this is really a personal choice. I have only seen the individual packs on the Touareg and thought it was a bit OTT IMO
Gone...........R36 Icelandic Gray Wagon
Specialising in off-topic discussion
I don't think the individual package is available
in Australia
Passat CC V6 black ,beige interior with woodgrain
New Zealand site obviously......$73k for a TDI is a real whack, even in NZ dollars is'nt it? Kinda interesting they don't seem to have privacy glass, and they get an actual Passat CC badge. I think I'm happier with my OZ CC.