No easy way to do it that I'm aware of. But from memory they are a twist lock base.
Hoping someone can help. Have scoured the internet and searched this forum to the best of my ability with no real success - can't seem to find anything specific enough that helps me out of my bind.
Okay, vehicle is a 2009 Passat CC 4 door "coupe" (4 cyl 2.0L diesel 125kW TDI motor). Amber warning light came up on dash and MDI described problem with dipped beam globe. Purchased new globe - Narva (Part No. 49304) 12/24V D1S 35W HID globe (cost as much as a chandelier!). The igniter is directly attached to (integral with) the globe, as is the original D1S OEM globe which I'm trying to remove.
So, turned ignition off, turned light switch off, disconnected battery negative terminal, donned gloves and safety glasses just in case and went to complete a simple task - or so I thought!Removed screw cap protector on driver's side dipped beam housing and noticed igniter/globe held in by a double wire clip - able to release this easily! Then tried to remove the connector plug from base of igniter - impossible to budge this bugger and hard to get a grip on it! So, tried just pulling igniter/globe out - no success - there was some tension holding it in. So, twisted igniter/globe 1/4 turn anti-clockwise (away from driver's side fender) and then tried to ease it out - still no luck!
Obviously don't want to use brute force, but something appears to be pulling/holding the igniter/globe in. Is it the connector plug - thought I could remove that once the ignite/globe was pulled or eased out of the housing - or something else?
Can anyone offer help here - some little trick I'm missing? Need to get the dammed thing out before I can put the new one in!
Thanking you in anticipation...
Last edited by DeepBlue; 13-10-2016 at 08:12 PM.
No easy way to do it that I'm aware of. But from memory they are a twist lock base.
Btw, where did you buy the bulb from? I hope it is not from eBay or Amazon...
Bought the bulb from Bursons - they had one in stock! Tried Autobarn first but they couldn't help. Have since found on-line for a better price, but prefer to buy from a shop when there is some doubt so that I can return easily if it's not right.
Fantastic feedback and a thousand thank-you's! Will give this a go. People like yourself are what really make forums like this work!
Good advice re eBay and Amazon! Was one of the early adopters as far as eBay goes many years ago; one day however, quite some time ago now, my wife decided to purchase a pair of Chanel shoes on eBay - paid around $600!!!!!!!!! When they were delivered to our door I could smell the PVC without the box even being opened - terrible fakes, worth maybe $10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lesson learnt!
Good advice re eBay and Amazon! Was one of the early adopters as far as eBay goes many years ago; one day however, quitesome time ago now, my wife decided to purchase a pair of Chanel shoes on eBay - paid around $600!!!!!!!!! When they were delivered to our door I could smell the PVC without the box even being opened - terrible fakes, worth maybe $10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lesson learnt!
Can you tell me where I might be able to get hold of a repair manual for the Passat CC?